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Sparring with Groin Kicks?

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Does anyone else spar with Groin kicks?


Krav Maga is one of the only stlyes i have seen that spars with groin kicks...and i do mean real sparring not slap fighting.


it's pretty much Muay thai type rules but with groin kicks..


This is very importat thing in my opinion. Getting good and proficent at blocking and countering groin kicks can be very useful becuase it is one of the most common attacks around even by untrained people...


not to meantion the benefits of learning how to deliver them in a real fight.


so why does no one do it?

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so why does no one do it?


Because people tend to get enthusiastic when sparring and, personally, I wouldn't want an over-enthusiastic person taking a shot at my groin and not being able to have enough control to stop themselves. I spar to get better, not to get hurt.


As for the "wear a cup" answer, that'd hurt the person kicking and you.

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obviously people wear cups...


is the the same reason why people dont spar with leg kicks, punches to the face, etc..


sure it's not fun, taking a thigh kick isint either...but it's about becoming a good fighter.

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obviously people wear cups...


is the the same reason why people dont spar with leg kicks, punches to the face, etc..


sure it's not fun, taking a thigh kick isint either...but it's about becoming a good fighter.


And once again, even with a cup that results in injury. Have you ever been kicked hard in the groin while wearing a cup? Usually both parties get hurt.


I know that I spar with leg kicks, and they hurt, I take punches to the face, and they hurt, but I really don't ever see kicks to the groin as being useful. Just because you haven't sparred a certain way doesn't mean you can't pull off that move.


You can become a good fighter without injuring yourself or your partner more than necessary.

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If you dont spar with things to some extent then you proabably wont be good at applying them under stress in a real fight.


You can have perfect techniqe on straight punches, hook, and uppercuts but if you have never sparred with them you are not going to be able to use them effectivly against a resisting opponet.


the same goes for groin kicks..in reality people dont stand there and let you kick them and if you never get good at blocking them thengood luck doing it in a real fight.


in KM we were shingaurds with instep protetion and we also wear shoes when sparring, so getting hurt usually isint an issue, can you drop someone with a groin kick? sure? ccan you with most techniques? yes.

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So you do full force on the groin ? kicks, knees, palm slaps, groin grab and twists? When we do wear cups there is still some restraint used. Honestly how often do you want to practice full out grappling when your instructor uses a backhand to the groin to escape(no cup)?


Also, what is the point of wearing shin and instep pads?

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1. If a cup hurts the kicker, then the kicker is in bare feet. Why would a school trying to be realistice by having groin kicks be unrealistic by fighting bare-foot.


2. Speaking of not practicing for a real situation... do you normally wear a cup around town? If not again, why train for a situation different than the real one.


3. Why just groin kicks? Why not groin hits, and eye rakes, and stuff. Seems odd to add one thing (rpesumably for realism) and not others.

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