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Soo Bahk Do help?

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Does anyone know about Soo Bahk Do? I am looking into a school in my area that does it, but I am having trouble finding information on the style. I would like to know something about it if I find it is the style I want. The other school I am looking at does the Okinawan Kempo, so I am doing research on both of them.





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I would highly suggest trying them out.


Soo Bahk Do (and I am generalzing here... SBD people, give me a break) is the style of Tang Soo Do as it was modified by Hwang Kee in the early 1970s.


Now keep in mind that the late Hwang Kee is largely thought of as the father of modern Tang Soo Do. Everyone who does Tang Soo Do should be able to tie their lineage back to Master Hwang at some point. Why the name change?


Well, there was a great deal of organizational splitting within this organization throughout the 1970s and 1980s. (Again, I'm speaking in very general terms, and NOT trying to start a flame war.)I believe a large part of Master Hwang's art name change to Soo Bahk Do was an attempt to show his art as different and evolving.


Soo Bahk Do schools will perform two sets of hyung: Chil Sung and Yuk Ro that are based in a large part on Tai Chi philosophy. You won't see many TSD schools perform these sets unless they left the SBD organization after they were developed. I've heard that these forms are also copyrighted, but I'll defer that to someone who knows more.


So my personal opinion is that TSD and SBD are more or less the same right now, but will probably evolve in different ways such that they may be considerably different 20 years from now. :)


For more info... search on google for:


Hwang Kee


Moo Duk Kwan


Soo Bahk Do


Tang Soo Do

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Who "really" knows any more? :lol:


It lists some of the same lineage you were quoting, but this org could just as easily be a split off from the "true" art, due to student/master parting of ways.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Hey Tommaker. I do TKD MDK and I can trace my instructors lineage to Hwang Kee :) Well I also did TSD and the same goes there as well;)


Anyways, here is a site about SBD.




Here's what I found on Okinawan Kempo:


http://members.cavtel.net/greatneck/History%20of%20Kempo.htm It has a little history on the art.


I used to have a boat load of links from when I researched a lot of arts, but my computer crashed not too long ago and I lost them all. I did a google search for those.

Laurie F

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For the definitaive Soo Bahk Do message board (Warrior-Scholar) click on the link below:




The site is run by a US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Fed. Master and always has lively discussions on Soo Bahk Do (a lot of art-related politics as well). I believe it is the "semi-official" Soo Bahk Do forum...

Master Jason Powlette

5th Dan, Tang Soo Do

--Tang Soo!!!

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