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Quick survey.

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Hey I just wanted to take a quick survery here. I wanted to see what kind of martial arts people do and how long they've been doing them.


1. How long have you been involved in the martial arts?


a. Less than 5 years


b. 10 years


c. 20 years


d. 30 years


e. 40 years


f. 50+ years


2. What martial art(s) do you practice in?(specify style as well as art)


a. Karate


b. Tae Kwon Doe.


c. Kung-Fu


d. Jiu-Jitsu


e. Muay Thai


f. Aikido


g. Judo


h. Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu


i. other(please specify)


3. What is your current rank in your art(s)?


4. What is your favorite martial art, and why?


...if anyone can think of some more good ones add on

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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1. a- I've been involved in MA for just over 3 years.


2. b- I study Tae Kwon Do, and the specific style is something I call Modern-American TKD. I say this because it's very different from the traditional or olympic styles. The foundation style is TKD, and from there, my instructor just added bunches of things he liked from different styles. As a result, we do ground fighting, pretty effective self-defense, submissions, joint locks, and don't throw jump-spinning kicks while sparring. We have elements of kung fu, krav maga, and probably others.


3. I am currently a 1st dan.


4. Of course, I love and am loyal to my art. However, Wu Shu has always intrigued me for its beauty and sense of flow. Also, I love ground fighting, so I'd love to try BJJ to improve my skills. As far as a favorite however...until I've tried them all, I won't be able to say :)

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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1) +3 years


2) Tae Kwon Do


3) 2nd gup Red belt


4) Of the ones I've tried (TKD, Tai Chi) I liked TKD better. Tai chi would be fun but I didn't care for the instructors. I'd like to try aikido in the future.

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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1. over 20 years.


2. The Pure Art.


3. Teacher(it doesn't get any higher than that. I'm one of only three qualified to teach)


4. I don't have a favorite "art." But I suppose you could say I wouldn't train in something I didn't like.



"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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1. How long have you been involved in the martial arts?


a. Less than 5 years. I did mainly Korean arts.


2. What martial art(s) do you practice in?(specify style as well as art).


b. Tae Kwon Do (Moo Duk Kwan). Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan for year and three months, and Tae Kwon Do (WTF) for one year. Switched to TKD MDK (one month).


3. What is your current rank in your art(s)? Tang Soo Do 5th gup blue belt. I still feel I am a student of TSD, because I still train at my TSD dojang when I visit home. I am a 4th gup blue belt in TKD. I will prolly be a 4th gup for a while cause I switched TKD dojangs, and I have to play "catch-up" LOL.


4. What is your favorite martial art, and why?


I studied a "hybrid" style TSD that was mixed with Hapkido, Thai boxing, and whatever else my instructor wanted to teach LOL. I also did Jujitsu for three months at the same dojang. Here, I did TKD (WTF) and a little Judo. I think if I had to pick, I'd say Moo Duk Kwan in general (TSD and TKD styles). Or Hapkido. They both taught me a little of everything from self defense, throws, take-downs, a bit of grappling, ect.

Laurie F

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1. How long have you been involved in the martial arts?


14 years...man, doesn't seem that long.


2. What martial art(s) do you practice in?(specify style as well as art)


i. other(please specify) Kalkinodo: The Way of Proper Movement. Its a modern "mutt art," which concentrates on street effective self defense.


3. What is your current rank in your art(s)?


1st Dan in Kalkinodo, 1st Gup in San Chin Ryu


4. What is your favorite martial art, and why?


Oy, I'm in love with grappling...love it love it love it.


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

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1. 27 years of study in various arts


2. Judo




Moo Duk Kwan








3. 6th Gup TSD & MDK


Shodan in JuJitsu


Nedan in Shotokan


Sandan in TKD


4. My favorites are TKD and Jujitsu but "my style" is combination of all the arts I have studied-they are all a part of me. :)





"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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