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Self defense debate

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You know, I do not see what the big deal about a Martial Art being for sport and comp.


Alot of people worry about taking MA's for self defense, and in a way, it does teach you self defense, but its also up to the user to exercise good judgement. If you think your in a dangerous situation, such as someone holding you with a knife in there hand.. better stay still. etc etc.


I actually like the idea that taking TKD, I am getting fitness to help my health, I am doing some fanastic stretches to help my knees and back, and I will get to compete in tournaments.


Since I am worried about self defense, me personally, I do not look towards TKD as the defense I need on the street. TKD for me, is more health and information. I am enjoying readnig about TKD and the korean martial arts and its ways. I do however look towards a good can of pepper spray, maybe some brass knuckles, maybe even a black jack if its for protection. I look at reading some very good self defense books etc to protect myself.


In all reality, how often are you going to get into a fight on the streets anyway? When i was a kid, I got in fights constantly.. but since I became an adult, in my 5 years since I became an adult, I have been in one fight, and that was because the guy reached in the car and punched me in the face...5 years 1 fight. Some people I know have been in no fights... so, really, the only ways I can think of that you would get into a street fight is if


A) You started one, in which case, your a bully for trying to showcase your martial arts knowledge and should be ashamed of yourself


B) You linger around a bad situation or make it worse.


C) your profession requires you to be around violent people... such as Law enforcement, Bouncers, bodyguards.


People always say.. What if.. What if I do. If you do, then maybe you should as I said before, have some pepper spray.. or if the situation is dire and you have a knife at your throat, just be calm until you can run away or until the person leaves. If someone hits you.. well, you have to defend yourself, but as I said, most people just dont come out of no where and punch you in the face for no reason. And if your getting jumped, well, MA or no MA your gonna take a whooping regardless.


Anyway, I would like to hear some feedback.. in a constructive manner regarding this topic about Self defense.



"A man can fail many times, but a man is not a failure until he blames someone else"

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Fear is the mind killer...

I will let my fear pass right through me..."


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There is the tendacy to "age out" of those sorts of situations. If you're still getting into bar fights in your 30s and 40s, I don't think there is much that the martial arts can do for you. At some point, someone is going to punch your ticket.


Avoidance is a huge part of self-defense. And a lot of people advocate the art of run-fu or nike-do. That's great when you're by yourself and in good shape.


Can you outrun a wiry athletic kid in the prime shape of his life? Can your wife, child, or anyone else who looks to your for protection?


Pepper Spray is good... And I can make some great recommendations on brands. Just remember that OC is something that doesn't work equally on everyone, and is not whoop-ass in a can. Most police departments have a section in their training where cadets are sprayed in the face, and required to shoot a target, move around and obstacle and cuff someone before they can de-tox.


Why do they do this? If you use OC on a suspect, you're probably going to encounter some blowback. Or you're wrestling a guy, and your eager partner douses you both in the hot sauce. Either way, you have to be psychologically prepared to know that you can fight the physiological effects long enough to finish your job. If a cop can fight through it, a criminal determined to kill you can as well.


Are brass knuckles and blackjacks legal in Florida? I would check before getting caught with them :) If there is interest in the subject, I wouldn't mind sharing what little i know about them, or referring you to places and people with lots more info.



I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Carrying a firearm is not necessarily legal in all 50 states of the Union. Trust me, I live in one that has no concealed carry law.


Carrying openly, while legal, is really not the best course of action either.

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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I think Guns would make it worse.


there is no Sure way to defend yourself on the streets, really. So many different situations, and screnarios, that if anyone ever told you that this is a 100% guaranteed self defense program, there lieing.


As I said, MA or no MA, street situations are wayyyyy different then any dojo or dojang could prepare you for. I think people who take MA, should enjoy it and learn as much as they can about it, and not worry so much about whether or not they can take down a 300lb biker, or whether or not they can fight off 3 guys etc etc.



"A man can fail many times, but a man is not a failure until he blames someone else"

"I will not fear...

Fear is the mind killer...

I will let my fear pass right through me..."


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You never know.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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Guns & training on how to use that gun do not make defense situations worse. They improve the odds.


You can take a martial art for the aerobic benefits, there's nothing wrong with doing such.


But some martial arts can effectively prepare you for defense situations. Now, a good point you made is that nothing is 100%. But that's not reason enough to abadon the attempt altogether.


I have been jumped by multiple attackers. I won. It's not a guarantee that just because you get jumped you're going to get messed up. I didn't get injured. Fluke of luck? Maybe. It doesn't matter. It happened and it's over.


Pepperspray is not effective against 4% of the population. Should you limit yourself to one tool when the job requires the possibilty of using every single tool?


You made a good point. How often does someone actually have to fight? Does the frequency affect the necessity to train? If you fight all the time, yes. If you fight rarely, no. You may only use your skills once in your entire life. But why shortchange yourself for that one instance?


Also relying solely on weapons isn't good strategy either. What if you can't get to your pepper-spray, brassknuckles, or club, &c? Your hands may be the only weapon you have access to at every single moment. Why lesson their training?


If personal self-defense is what you desire, then your focus should be on effective self-defense. If are indifferent, then fine, that's your choice.


Some of train for self-defense. Some for exercise. To each his own.


I am an adult. I have been involved in several self-defense situations. All of which I tried to avoid to the extent of my ability. Sometimes, outside of all that we do, we are placed in situations over which we have no power. I prepare myself for such situations. I would rather over train and never use my skills than never train and have no skills to use should such a situations arise. Again, to each his own.

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