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Why some MA people get beat in real fights

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I wish to open a debate about.. why MA has gotten a bad rap in america.


I think one of the reasons is.. because anyone can be an instructor. In Korea, you can not teach TKD until you are at least 4th Dan, here, as soon as you turn BB, people open a Dojo. This leads to inferior training of how the art should really be taught.


Second, As I stated before, I think alot of people are lazy.. they dont take it as serious as some of the Asians or other countries.... kinda like a fly by night thing for us, like a lot of other items.


Third.. and most importantly... I keephearing stories about how this karate guy or this TKD person got there butt kicked and how there styles suck. No. the style does not suck.. Karate has always been a very powerful style.. and TKD has always been known in the orient as a lethal art due to its powerful and quick kicks. Its the people who practice them that make them inferior. One of the reasons for them losing in REAL fights, is because I truly believe they are weak and soft. Not many people I know.. will take the time to do physically conditioning or some serious workouts to tone and toughen there body.... which they should. Do you think when people practiced these martial arts back in the day, they were soft?? They were subjected to alot of physcial conditioning, because being in good shape was part of the art itself. Alot of MAs believed that yoru mind, body and spirit had to be in balance to be the most effective. Well, part of your keeping your body in balance was being in shape.


I also think they are weak. How many people do you know like to full contact spar? Oh man, I know like a handful of people who like to full contact. Everyone else are timid or scared to full contact, even with full gear on, because they dont want to get hurt, or they dont wanna take the risk of getting hit. That is why alot of dojos dont do full contact, or they only do it for select students, because they dont want people quitting. They would rater them stay and get there money, etc etc. Total Lack on the instructors part. So anyway, if these people dont like full contacting with gear on, what makes you think there gonna wanna really fight when the time comes up that they have? There gonna be scared, because they dont wanna get hit, or there soft, and I think that is why so many of them get beat.


I fully expect some non full contact people to respond back and try to defend why "other" people dont like to full contact, etc etc.



"A man can fail many times, but a man is not a failure until he blames someone else"

"I will not fear...

Fear is the mind killer...

I will let my fear pass right through me..."


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Alright well about people being lazy and soft. I went to one of the dojos the other day. And they had a newspaper article framed on there. It was about a 63 yeard old 5th dan student who sent a mugger into cardiac arrest with a blow to his solar plexus. I asked the intructor about what all she did, and he said just the standard classes, but the difference was that she went to every class possible.


I really don't think that it has to do with the student but rather the type of instruction they get. For instance I watched a class today at the local goju place, and all I heard was about their form, and the proper way to execute it, nothing about the application of it.


Oh and also about people turning black belt and becomin instructors. Every instructor at my dojo is a 5th dan, or higher.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I think it is often amatter of whether or not the person has the will to fight when attacked.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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Before we get too immersed in "high rank = good teacher"... I've met 5th gups who have more to teach than some 5th dans ever will.


Rank is one of many indicators of skill, but by itself leads to a lot of false positives. After 4th Dan (and some would say after 3rd) a lot of rank advancement is more a result of politics and contributions to one's association than a quantifiable increase in skill.


This obviously isn't always true, as there are many many many excellent 5th Dans who have earned there rank. Lots of them just walk the walk though, too.


But this is also just an example, and is growing beyond my control :)


Back to the topic at hand... "There is always someone out there who is bigger, stronger, and faster than you. And they may be training to kill you."

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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hmmm... not sure then why someone would w ant to get dirtnapped.



"A man can fail many times, but a man is not a failure until he blames someone else"

"I will not fear...

Fear is the mind killer...

I will let my fear pass right through me..."


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I do TKD. We do wear gear, and we do fight full contact. I was one of those "timid" people. I was affraid to get hit, but one of my instructors didn't let me get away with not fighting. I HAD to spar. Over time, I got over it, and fought back. I found out that I wasn't that bad at sparring. I can hold my own and fight back.


So I say it depends on the instruction you get. My instructor now is a 5th dan. He IS picky about technique AND about application. I guess I was lucky to find a good non-mcdojang instructor.


BUT, the student has to be willing to put in the effort. They can have the best instructor in the world, but if they "lack" disipline, his/her instruction goes out the window.


The student has to be willing to learn and put in the effort. The instructor must know his/her stuff, and teach the right stuff. Rank don't matter.

Laurie F

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I think it is often amatter of whether or not the person has the will to fight when attacked.


Here,here! Excellent point Hobbitbob...I think there is a lot to be said about this. It is truely about the person who practices the art, not the art itself. Kinda like the old cliche "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." As for instructors and their ranks, this has been discussed on other threads so I won't bore you again with my opinion, but, lets just say that I agree with tommarker !



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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I wish to open a debate about.. why MA has gotten a bad rap in america.


I think one of the reasons is.. because anyone can be an instructor. In Korea, you can not teach TKD until you are at least 4th Dan, here, as soon as you turn BB, people open a Dojo. This leads to inferior training of how the art should really be taught.


Second, As I stated before, I think alot of people are lazy.. they dont take it as serious as some of the Asians or other countries.... kinda like a fly by night thing for us, like a lot of other items.


Have you actually witnessed the classes in Korea? I thought the same way as you do, until my master came back from a Korean trip, and said they looked pathetic. So, don't let the stereotype of asian schools fool you. They've got their good and bad schools too.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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I think one problem that occurs in the martial arts is this, ex: when I studied ninjutsu, we learned how to defend against ninjutsu. not how a real opponent would attack us. we learned how a ninja would attack us and how to defend. I feel the need for full contact training. ( with parental consent) I was bosing with adults at the age of 15.


It doesn't matter is you are a bb, but if you are afraid to fight for fear of getting hurt than your bb might just be there to hold up your pants.

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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