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How's gun control workin for ya'll ???

Smith amp Wesson

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Wado you are so right about the NRA. When I took my safety course years ago I too was amazed at the programs they offer. In most ways they do the right thing. Sometimes they stand to strong but at least they are trying to keep the firearms in our hands.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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Gun control has always been a interesting topic to discuss in my family. Most of the guys on my fathers side of the family collect guns. My Mother's relatives on the other hand are all against. (which I think gives me a somewhat balanced point of view). Personally i dont belive in rules that affect all the serious gun owners, and have little affect on the people who are not, morally and mentally equipped to posess firearms. Rules like forcing people to having a limited number of weapons. (which is a huge problem for collectors) You are either equipped to posess fire arms, or you are not. Common sence as far as I'm concerned. The problem in the U.S as I understand it, is that U dont have a national standard for the licensing of fire arms. (purcasing/keeping) All the different state and city regulations seem to make gun laws inefficient and annoying for gun owners, and seems to be making people unsafe(which is quite understandable) why shouldnt a guy in NY be able to own a handgun when a guy in Vermont is? A national standard could easily solve this problem. and as a benefit, ur tax dollars wouldnt be wasted on petty regional politicans arguing about section yadda yadda in paragraph one billion and seventeen. I also think that much of the gun control debate today is focused wrong. Regulations should start with the producers, not the consumers. They should be responsible if one of their products kill someone. Dont get me wrong one this. the guy fiering the gun is obviously the on e to blame foremost, but producers and gun dealers are responsible for making sure that their product's dont end up in the wrong hands. :karate:

Read a book!

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Yes, the restrictions on firearms are not standardized at the federal level for carrying handguns. States are left to decide what they feel is prudent.


I share the same opinion of our federal courts recently as far as who is responsible for the end result of firearm felonies. If someone were to steal (which is how most felons obtain weapons) a thousand kilos of garden fertilizer and a thousand liters of fuel oil to make a bomb, would you prosecute the manufacturers of those products also? Of course not. The problem in society today is that nobody is held accountable for their actions.

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If someone stole a thousand kiloes of garden fertilizer, that in itself would be punishment enough. :)


Stolen guns are of course a difficult issue. Do you have statistics to back up that most guns posessed by felons are stolen btw?( I'm not arguing only asking)

Read a book!

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Cars kill more folks than gun's.


So does tobacco.


My whole problem with gun control is the eroading freedoms that are held by free men.And the silliest thing I shake my head at is why do people think that if gun's are banned folks that are willing to break the law are gonna comply ???


Seem's drug's are a big problem & yet they are outlawed.Killin folks is against the law too.


While I'm at it,How come a 18 inch shotgun is legal but a 17 inch is a felony ???


What makes these laws sillier is If I give the government about 1500 dollars I can buy fully automatic weapons.Bet you didn't know that did ya ???


Now I asked ya'll how's gun controll working out for ya'll.Cause I want to hear somebody say it's working out great !!!We have less crime & the society is better off after gun ban's than before !!!


Where's that reply at ???

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Gun control isn't working here because they don't enforce it correct. The law states if you get caught with an illegal firearm or are not licensed for it you spend a year in prison. What happens when you get caught? You get a slap on the wrist and they say don't do it again. That is the problem with gun control


Gotta love Maryland where they don't allow concealed carry. You cannot defend yourself with a firearm legally. That must mean they have the lowest handgun crime rate in the country right?


Haha that's funny cause Maryland now has the highest handgun crime rate in the country. How could this be when you can't carry one?


Case in point- Gun control isn't working as it is intended.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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Gotta love Maryland where they don't allow concealed carry. You cannot defend yourself with a firearm legally. That must mean they have the lowest handgun crime rate in the country right?


Haha that's funny cause Maryland now has the highest handgun crime rate in the country. How could this be when you can't carry one?

Wouldn't a state that has the most handgun laws naturally have the highest rate of handgun crimes? There are more laws to break :). More things would be considered crimes in the first place. But yeah, it seems like that would indicate people everywhere are doing their own thing regardless of the laws.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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The only thing about Bowling for Columbine is that Mike Moore's statistics aren't fully correct. That, and he was quite biased before hand. So, the movie isn't something to take in if you don't already have a good knowledge of the facts. It is somewhat funny though. Though, personally, I don't like Moore.



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