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How's gun control workin for ya'll ???

Smith amp Wesson

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I hear you. At the least the CCW I have has reciprocity with several nearby states. So when I travel to neighboring states I have 60days CCW permitance. However, there are some states nearby that are nazi-like in their gun-control.


I mean, let's be honest, can any gon-control advocate give a logical, real reason as to why I, me personally, shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun?


If the answer is: guns kill. Then my response is: I don't have any intentions of killing people.


If the answer is: guns cause accidents. Then my response is: My family has been taught properly. My guns are kept away, and still readily accessible.


If the answer is: guns cause crime. Then my response is: My gun hasn't.


If the answer is: guns shoot children at school. Then my answer is: not my gun; and if I ever saw anyone shooting children at a school I would use my gun to stop that person. (And in doing so I would be breaking a few laws, even though my gun would be used to save lives.)


If the answer is: guns make the world unsafe. Then my answer is: my guns makes my world safer.


So, it would seem that all anti-gun advocates really can't say anything that applies to me, personally, as a responsible gun owner. It does, however, become appearent that everything they say applies to those who use guns the wrong way, i.e. criminals.


I don't mind background checks. I do not believe every person should carry a gun. Some people, I believe, just do not have the mental maturity to bear such a responsibility. But I also do not believe in restricting the right to own and carry of any person responsible enough to do so rightly.


However, sadly, any restrictions placed to regulate firearms really do nothing to curb criminals acquiring firearms. If they want a gun they can get one. They do not walk into a gun store, as I do, and give my information and purchase a gun through the NICS background checks system. They buy them illegally. Why? Because if they did it the way I do it, they would be denied.


So the regulations don't stop criminals from getting guns. They just inconvenience the honest citizen.


(Historical point in reference. The Columbine shooters got their guns illegally and managed to break 20 some odd gun laws--(the gun laws didn't seem to stop them from doing what they did)--they had someone with a clean background buy their guns for them. So, even then the background checking system failed.)


Banning guns only disarms the honest and empowers the evil.


Those that commit crimes with guns need to be punished mroe severely so that they may realize that using guns for evil purposes is not right. (Case in point: a known drug dealer, and shooter for an LA gang was arrested in California for possession of two handguns. He was released on bail and out taunting the police who arrested him. The DA decided not to try to press a court scene because there was too little evidence and it would have been fruitless. The penalty for breaking the law was not strong enough to warrant taking action. The criminal was released back onto the street and was out mocking the very officers that arrested him.) It seems the problem here is weak penalties for gun-related crime. The strict gun laws in California obviously didn't prevent this known shooter and drug dealer from having guns in his possession.




oops, it seems I got on my soapbox about this. Sorry. :) I just can't see the logic in taking effective means of self-defense away from the honest citizenry.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Well said MA.


But I aint wanting no preachin from the choir.


I started this thread to get a real person's view of gun control.Not the media's.


I'd like to hear from the folks that live in countries where the whole country has gun bans.


I'd like an honest perspective from some one livin in a country where gun's are outlawed.Like is crime down ???Or do you feel safer ????etc...


I'm serious !!!! I really would like to know what it's like.You think I'm gonna trust CBS to tell me ???


And like I said I aint settin nobody up to get attacked & if somebody does reply pro gun control I'd appericate it If ya'll didn't jump on em.


Is there anybody out there that is pro gun control or lives in a country where it's illeagal to have a gun ???...............I'm gonna hold my breath till I get some feed back Damnit !!! :kaioken:

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Real person who lives in a country where guns are banned? I think I can answer that as well.


Guns are banned in the Philippines. I lived there for several years. Honestly, I did not feel any safer. Crime did not go down. I lived in both Cagayan Province and in Metro Manila. In the provinces having guns banned didn't really seem to make any surface differences. I mean, the farmers out there usually use bolo machetes, not guns. The rich are packing and so are their guards. In the provinces I would have to say that crime didn't change with guns being banned. But most crime in the provinces is simply burglary. Very rarely is there a murder with a firearm. Primarily because no one can afford to own one. I had friends who owned illegal firearms in the provinces because they didn't feel safe without them and almost everyone I knew either had a bolo machete or a knife of some sort. And stabbings are always high.


In Metro Manila. Gun bans worked adversly. The week the government imposed the gun ban. There were 59 gun murders in the area of Manila that was supposed to be the strictest controlled.


While in the Philippines I was teaching unarmed fighting to local law enforcement and holding private instruction. The topic of firearms came up quite often. In the case of a good friend of mine, who was shot at, if he had a firearm then the police there would have been happier he shot back at the criminal, hopefully killing him, rather than have to deal with a search for a hiding criminal. But the opinions vary.


Most people I know in the Philippines all believe they should own guns. Many would if they could just get the money to. Now, many won't ever because guns have been essentially banned from the Philippines. Even Police officers have been arrested for owning guns in their homes.


This may sound baised, considering my previous rant, but I'm just retelling what was told me. The only people who didn't think having a gun was a good idea were teenagers in highschool, and college students in Manila. Almost universally, everyone I spoke to, or had acquaintance with, owned or wanted to own a gun to protect themselves and feel safer.


My mayor friends had bodyguards that carried Armalites. My retired military friend in the Philippines owned several HKMP5's. My chinese businessmen friends owned and carried, even illegally at times.


For me, having lived there without a firearm(not being a citizen of the Philippines there were certain restrictions), I can honestly say I didn't like it. I had to walk through some bad parts of Manila at night and even had some encounters that probably would have just ended in me brandishing the gun rather than having to injure.


Just to put perspective on the political climate during the years of my stay in the Philippines. Pres. Estrada was "removed" from office. Martial Law protests. Anti-America Protests at the Embassy. 9/11. Bombings at malls. Violent uprising of the peasants to remove Pres. Arroyo. Elections(live in the Philippines and you'll know why elections are dangerous.) Abu Sayyaf. Moro-Islamic Liberation Front. And the National People's Army (the communist terrorist group in northern Luzon)


Crazy times. The temperment still isn't getting any better. Davao Airport was just bombed recently. But having lived through such turmoil I can honestly say that firearms are not the problem.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Oh, and don't worry. I don't attack people for their beliefs, unless those beliefs involve harming another person. I don't respect tyranny.


I will, however, seek to understand that person's belief, and if I feel they are misguided, or that their belief will someday affect my life I will talk to alter it. But nothing degrading or violent. Simple logical discussion.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Luckily, the US government had the foresight to give us the 2nd Amendment...the right to bear arms. Contrary to some beliefs, there is wisdom in that. Part of being free is having the ability to live without fear and having the ability to defend yourself.


Gun control does not work. Only criminals would own guns and use them. Once law enforcement gets involved, it's too late.


The American media rarely to never (unfortunately) sites instances when guns are used to save lives and prevent crimes. It's sad.


The biggest cause of death by firearms other than by criminal activity...is CARELESSNESS!!!!! Firearm safety education is the key. If one is going to own a firearm, they should be required to attend a handgun safety class. But that's just my opinion.


I have a better idea.....let's ban pencils. Pencils can conceiveably kill people. Ban ALL pencils.

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I agree with having to be licenced to own a firearm. Here in Massachussetts you need to attend a certified safety course before being able to even apply for your license. I agree with this because gun safety is VERY important.


Gun control doesn't work because they dont' enforce the laws. If you get caught with an illegal firearm the law says you spend 1 year in jail. Well when you get caught why aren't you in jail? If they enforced the laws they make there would be less problems.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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I wasn't big on the NRA until I went to my first firearm safety course. In TN you have to pass an NRA Firearm safety course in order to apply for a Handgun Carry Permit. I was absolutely amazed at how many programs the NRA offers communities. They do more to educate the public on firearm use and safety than any other organization in America.


They're definitely worth checking into.

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