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How's gun control workin for ya'll ???

Smith amp Wesson

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I didn't know Canadians & folks in the UK aren't alowed to carry fire arms.


Can you have them in your homes ???


What about hunting ???


And how's gun control working out for ya'll seriously.


Here in the US we've got guns every where.I live in a small city that requires that all Home owners to have one.Now I know alot of folks think we have alot of crime in the US but what never get's reported on the liberal news is that 6 percent of the population accounts for 70 percent of all violent crime.Guess which 6.


This aint a set up where I start jumping on folks who like gun control.I just don't understand how if you make something against the law.......like crack for example......why folks believe it goes away.


Seriously folks I'd like to get some real perspectives.


Do people feel safer at night in bed or less safe ????

Edited by Smith & Wesson
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I'm for gun control in some ways. I believe in the hands of criminals they are used in the wrong ways. I think "some" of the laws are needed with gun control such as screening people with violent crimes and things of that nature to prevent them from "legally" obtaining firearms.


HOWEVER, things have gone way too far!!! With all the daily changing laws and new standards being created everyday the government is taking a way of defending ourselves away. A gun is a tool and nothing more. It is an inanimate object. It is a machine. In the proper hands it is no more dangerous than a power saw. Here in Massachusetts the laws are rediculous. The surgeon General passed laws so the only "new" firearms we can buy are Smith & Wesson, Sig Sauer, and Baretta. Because we all know that Kimbers shoot more people. Gotta love the liberals.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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nope, people in Canada are not allowed to bear arms. we are allowed to have firearms such as rifles and shotguns but the controls on them are quite strict. when you store it at home it must be taken apart and the ammo must be locked away seperately away from the firearm. pistols are a different story. there are extremely strict controls on pistols. for example if you wanna go to the range to shoot your pistol you must call up your gun club and tell them the route you are taking to get to the range while you are carrying your pistol in your car. if you are caught in an area outside that route with the pistol you are screwed.


i am all for gun control. the only people who should be carrying them are law enforcement officials and military personelle.


another thing, Mr. Chris Rock made a wise statement once "any punk can stand across the street and shoot you, but it takes a man to walk up to him and stab him"

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Norway has pretty much the same rules as Canada.


There are more people in jail in the US today than there have ever been before. More than 6% i believe. which 6% were you referring to btw?

Read a book!

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I think the best gun control policy is the ones in place in the UK. But of course the only part of the american bill of rights that we dont' need, is pretty much the only one they pay attention to.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I'm going to have to disagree here. I am a martial artist. Self-defense is paramount to my existence. Today there is no better weapon, aside from the mind, awareness, etc. etc, than a handgun. In America the reported crime is greatly overexaggerated and some serious facts are always missed.


For example crime rates in cities with strict gun control are much higher than in states with lax gun control. Take Vermont, for example, they have almost no gun control laws and they are close to being the lowest in crime. New York, Washington D.C. have very strict gun control laws and crime there is astronomically higher than in states with lax gun control laws.


A number: every year 2.5 million crimes are prevented by armed citizens. Of those crimes only 0.9% actually result in a criminal being shot. Most of these crimes were prevented by merely brandishing the firearm.


In a study conducted by the US Dept. of Justice. 70% of criminals would not attack a person they knew had a gun. approx 53% said they [edit: typo] wouldn't attack if they thought the victim had a gun.


Approx. 60% of criminals are more afraid of an armed citizen than they are of police.


About guns being in the hands of only police. Police accidentally shoot an innocent person: 11%. Armed citizen: approx 2%.


I fail to see where taking guns away from the citizenry actually affect law-breaking criminals behavior. Most of which obtain guns from an illegal source. Bypassing all of the 80,000 words of federal gun laws.


Also, I cannot see where not carrying a gun makes me safer from crime. That's the same mentality as not training in self-defense will make you safer. Why cheat yourself from an effective means of self-defense?


As far as the UK being a better place, or Australia because of gun control laws. The statistics show otherwise. Situations where crime, even murder, could have been prevented had the victim had a firearm are significant.


Think of it this way: More gun control laws is not what is necessary. Better enforcement and punishment for crimes commited using these tools is.


Does this make any sense to you: when your life is threatened to make a phone call or defend yourself then are there. You decide.


BTW, those who do not fight back are 1 in 3 of getting injured. Those who fight back are 1 in 7.


Carrying a gun increases your chances of surviving a violent attack by numbers so convincing it doesn't make sense not to carry a gun. When your life is in danger what will you do?




all statistics taken from Unified Crime Reports of the FBI, US Dept of Justice, and studies done by Kleck, Lott, and other researchers. Check out these books:


More guns, less crime. John R. Lott Jr.


The Bias against Guns: Why almost everything you ever heard about gun control is wrong. John R. Lott Jr.


Also check this link out.




look at the sidebar on the right and click on GunFact v3.2 It's a .pdf file.

Edited by Martial_Artist

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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I didn't know Canadians & folks in the UK aren't alowed to carry fire arms.


I've found that discussions about guns/control rarely result in common ground. Nothing I have to say will convince those in favour of gun control to change their opinion, and I have yet to be convinced by any arguments they make...


Anyhoo, in Canada:


- fairly strict storage requirements, always unloaded. Trigger lock and separate from ammo, or in purpose build safe. Kinda defeats any ability to have ready access when needed (intentional I'm sure)


- reasonable transport requirements, unloaded, trigger locks, locking case for handguns. Handguns require "permit to transport", either an explicit one-time permit or a standing permit to/from licensed ranges (usually good for 3 years).


- no hunting with handguns period. Other hunting laws are the purview of the provinces, not the federal gov't.


- prohibition of various firearms based on arbitrary features (much like the US assault weapon bans).


- prohibited weapons (.25/.32 cal handguns, short barrel handguns, full auto weapons, etc) can still be owned by "grandfathered" individuals, but not by new people.


We still have problems with gun crime, mostly in big cities... As the saying goes, criminals don't register their guns...


Hope that helps. If you've any specific question on our laws, I'd be happy to try to answer them.

Shitoryu Itosukai

Tsuruoka Karate

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Martial_Artist I totally agree with that.


Funny case in point. Maryland has the highest handgun crime rate in the country. Sad part is they do not issue a liscence to carry a firearm. In the state of Maryland you are NOT allowed to carry a firearm or use it to defend your life. You can only use it for target practice. So then how do they have the highest handgun crime rate you ask? Because the crimes being commited by handguns are ones that are usually illegal guns. If criminals know you aren't carrying it makes robbing you that much easier.

2nd Degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. 1997 NASKA competitor-2nd place Nationally in Blackbelt American Forms. Firearms activist!

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I just wish my Michigan CCW permit was honored in every state. Man, there are some areas that I have to go in the DC and Balitmore areas and would feel a lot safer if I had my equalizer.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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