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You can't always determine the where the fight is going to be.


Taking the fight outside isn't necessarily any safer either. Inside the club you know that if anything happens then within seconds security will be there to break it up.


There could also be legal repercussions if you followed a guy outside and fought him, as opposed to just defending yourself inside the club - especially if you really hurt the guy.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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Please do not insult each other, as you can see, johhny's signature, You should respect his opinion and stop trying to find flaws in it.


As for the match your sensai set up. Did you ever think that shooting in from six feet away, is something a well trained, jj artist would do? props to your instructor but nowadays, its not their style representing the practitioner. Its the practioner who has to represent his style, to the best of his abilities. In a fight its man, against man.


Not everyone your gonna fight is gonna have martial arts experience+big size etc.... You have to acknowledge the weaknesses of your art and work on them, and so do I. So why is this thread turning into, bjj v.s.tkd.

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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First, I do respect his opinion, as I would hope he respects mine. Respecting one's opinion doesn't always mean that that person is right. We were tossing around scenarios of what would happen in a street fight and conditions.


As for this thread turning into a TKD vs BJJ thread...yes, it is developing into that, unfortunately.


Anyways, Thank JJF for pointing out the negativity that is starting in this thread. :D



"A man can fail many times, but a man is not a failure until he blames someone else"

"I will not fear...

Fear is the mind killer...

I will let my fear pass right through me..."


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JJ and BJJ and TKD are very valid art forms. I have to say though I have friends that are huge BJJ fanatics, and they always say the same thing 99% of every fight ends up on the ground, but I say not in a street fight. In a street fight you'd better try your hardest not to go to the ground, because sometimes their buddies might kick you in the head while your busy trying an arm bar on someone. If you are fighting an average Joe and he is alone, go for it. Hopefully he is an average Joe. If your at a club or a party and there are a lot of people around, you'd better learn how to fight on your feet. Always be cautious and aware of your surrendings and over confidence is a weakness.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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yes but what about the bjj'ers friends , what about them, I can't think of anyone that goes clubbing alone. I myslef am a bjj'er and through my own experiences, would have to say that about 75 to 80% of fights go to the ground. no way 99% thats just stupid.

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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Well I hope they are near by, and I hope that they're more of you than them. I personally would avoid going to the ground at all costs,"at all costs." You can see what's coming when you're on the ground.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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We've had a few guys that I train with in BJJ end up in multiple opponent situations and they always seem to come out okay.


One guy who was a white belt and a small guy ended up fighting two other guys. He took the first one down, mounted then broke the guys arm so fast that the other guy just stood there watching, eventually kicked the white belt in the ribs and broke one, but then the BJJ'er got up and went after the other guy and finished him also.


Another blue belt student had two guys try to mug him after he came out drunk from a niteclub and phoned his wife to pick him up. The blue belt took down the first guy, mounted, armbarred and broke the guys arm. The guy whose arm got broke screamed so loud that the other guy took off running.


Another guy was a bouncer working on a niteclub door with 3 other guys when they got rushed by 20 bodybuilder types. Sean got backed up against a car but managed to pull one guy in his guard while he was on the bonnet of the car. He used his opponents body to protect himself and waited for the other bouncers inside to come to his rescue, while he choked the guy unconscious.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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Great stories, and those guys were pretty lucky. All I'm saying is going to the ground in a street fight is'nt a good idea. Your taking a huge risk sacrificing yourself to a ground match, when other people around. The guy that got kicked in the ribs, could have been stabbed, or bashed in the head with a bottle or choked by a second guy. It's just to risky, be alert, be aware, be safe.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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By the way I think BJJ is a great sport.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"

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Treebranch, Someone could get stabbed just as easily standing up. It would be easier for someone to come behind you while standing to choke you out, then if your back was to the ground.. you can just as easily get hit in the head with a beer bottle from a standing position.


From a standing position, you have to be aware and account for attackers coming at from all sides... on the ground, you really have to account for 1 side, your front.


When your on the ground, there options of attack are very limited, while standing they can do a number of joe american street style techniques to you... on the ground, they can kick, stomp, hit with something, or... jump on top of you, which would be a huge mistake lol.


if there kicking u, as hard as it is.. if you could grab there foot... you can break or dislocate there ankle in no time... after you do that to one guy, the other two would probably back off.. after seeing there friends foot doing a 180 degree turn lol.


Now, standing, you do have a wide array of options for attack.. as well as the ability to run from a dangerous situation.. where as on the ground.. well your stuck.. cant run now.

"A man can fail many times, but a man is not a failure until he blames someone else"

"I will not fear...

Fear is the mind killer...

I will let my fear pass right through me..."


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