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WTF TKD forms Applications?

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We have heard many times about the Kata and there combat applications. The Bunkai training is vital to understand where are the techniques and how to use that form for self defense. This is common in Japanese and Okinawan Karate styles.


Now, the WTF TKD seems to not have combat applications neither for the Taeguk or advanced Black Belts forms.


Do you train Forms applications in your TKD Forms training? Any info about it perhaps? thanks

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All movements of all forms have application. WTF, in my experience,is no different that ITF, Shotokan, etc. in their aproach to bunkai however, not all instructors teach it in the same way. Some merely explain it, some may actually demonstrate each technique. I prefer to set up multiple attackers (one one each direction) and have them attack as the student performs the form-sort of an extended one step. This also helps the attackers learn the form from the outside in and is of great benefit to all.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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In TSD we did a lot of bunkai realed training. Sometimes the instructor would answer questions like, "What is this move for" or "how does this work" by doing the move on us LOL.


In my new dojang, yes they do. In fact, tonight is forms night, so we will prolly do some bunkai (I hope). I've seen them do it from just visiting them a few months back. But now I can actually do them. I can't wait :)

Laurie F

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  • 3 weeks later...
WTF do in fact have combat applications . We had special classes designated for the comabt applications for Tae Geuk, Pal Gwe, Black Belt poomsae and the traditional Ji DO kwan forms (Tang Soo Do Forms). IN the TSD and JiDo Kwan forms even have animal representations like the Crane, Horse, Cobra, Tiger, and BEar forms. Koryo for example has many applications if I had a diagram I could explain them in further detail but it is hard because every school has a different way of counting the techniques involved. Please contact me further for more details.

Choi, Ji Hoon Instructor-

3rd Dan-Tae Kwon Do

3rd Dan Hapkido

International Haedong Gumdo Federation

Kyuk Too Ki (Korean Kickboxing/Streetfighting)

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