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Karate and Character


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Yes thats people with limited maths ability yes?


Only beingable to add is bad but not too bad.


If you get stuck use a calculator.

Attention Defficate Disorder


you know you can't pay attention

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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Attention Deficiate Disorder


it's when kids(sometimes adults) can't focus on what they're doing because they can't focus on one thing long enough before they move on to the next.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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Oh i get you it reminds me of this time way back when i was in school and i was playing footabll and I was just about to score and i think Karate is really cool but i wish there were some better clubs in my area and ADD sounds really bad but i cant see the point in only doing Karate once a week especially if you like pasta but you dont have time to make your own and anyway who wants to i wouldnt fight for it i dont think they have chemical weopons anyway.
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Oh i get you it reminds me of this time way back when i was in school and i was playing footabll and I was just about to score and i think Karate is really cool but i wish there were some better clubs in my area and ADD sounds really bad but i cant see the point in only doing Karate once a week especially if you like pasta but you dont have time to make your own and anyway who wants to i wouldnt fight for it i dont think they have chemical weopons anyway.

Yeah that sereved an important point.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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On a more serious note....


Attention Deficit Disorder is a multi-faceted medical problem that does make learning difficult, however, these kids are very physical and Martial Arts is an excellent way to help them learn to focus. Instant feedback, i.e., getting hit when you miss a block, breaking a board when you use proper technique, etc., is perfect for these kids. Learning to focus the eyes, mind, and body takes more time than with other kids but when these kids perform they are usually top of the class. I have personal experience with ADD kids (3 of my own-2 BB's, 1 Brown ) and it has been a very rewarding experience for all of us. In fact, we have special instructors classes to teach how to teach these great kids! Patience is the key. :)



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Attention deficit disorder and attention hyperactivity deficit disorder are not the same.


My experience is with attention deficit disorder. Sometimes there are difference between boys and girls with this problem. Common symptoms are:impulsivity, easily distracted, hyper-focused at times, spaciness, inability to pay attention, disorganization,


People with add tend to have problems: focusing on details, completing tasks, judging time, setting priorities, checking work for errors, waiting turns, interrupting others and acting first without considering the consequences.


As far as how martial arts can be useful in helping someone with add. Hey any physical activity helps. Martial arts are particularly useful because of the way goals are clearly defined. You know what you have to do to pass the next test. You have to learn how to focus your attention or you cannot successfully learn or perform your katas.


Let's start with that and see what reactions that gets.

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True Sai, ADD and ADHD are not exactly the same but the attention deficit aspect of each share similar manifestations. In fact there is a 3rd and 4th category (or subtype) of Attention Deficit Disorder called ADD-Inattentive type (this is the kid that everyone calls "spacey" or "airhead" or "dreamer", etc. ) and ADD-Combined Type (this kid alternates between daydreamer and tornado!). I have one of each (thrice blessed!!! :lol: )


Hyperactivity doesn't necessarily have to be associated with ADD but when it is that's were the impulsivity and constant activity show up in addition to the distraction and other learning difficulties. I think martial arts is one of the greatest therapies there is for these kids whatever type they have. ADD adults can benefit too although they have different responses to things based on their coping skills and learning experiences as a child.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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in a good dojo, Karate training will instill respect and compassion for others, both juniors and seniors. It will also instill attetnion to detail, which is always helpful. It will also hopefully instill a willingness to "walk away" from conflict rather than be bellicose.


In a bad Dojo, people will learn to pound on those weaker than themselves.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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Very true Hobbitbob. On the same note, It's sad that some kids never get to study martial arts because their parents think that it is all about learning to kick, punch, and fight! It's even sadder that there are schools out there that keep these kind of misconceptions and generalizations alive :kaioken: !



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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