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Karate and Character


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I think it is the self-discipline in karate that makes it such a useful tool for perfection of character.


I've done a lot of activities in my life (eg. music, Girl Guides etc.etc) and even though I've stuck in with these activites and not given up at the first hurdle, they haven't provided me with much in the way of character.


The two activites that have, however, are karate and a marching competition band I'm in. Both of which promote self discipline and have quite a high degree of "strictness" involved in them.


Like everyone has already said, I believe karate provides people with confidence, increased concentration and teaches them the importance of dedication.

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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okay, i havent read all the post and perhaps this topic was long since abandoned, but i think it does have to do with self estem and such, however i also became more responsible for my self and others when i began training. not to sure why, maybe some of you could help with that.



"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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In a school where you use a junior/ senior or sempai/kohai relationship between students of different ranks the more senior students begin to learn how to help those coming up through the ranks behind them. I think this really helps some learn responsibility and concern for others.


There is just something about the way you feel when you have been helping a student with something they were struggling with and it comes time for them do demonstrate that very thing in front of everyone and they can do it becuase of the time the two of you spent working on it.

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Killing junior students is a definate no-no. Have you noticed though that those who really want to do well and are trying as hard as they can and get frustrated that well - sometimes the frustration gets in the way.


Don't you think that the process of doing a technique over and over to learn it teaches patience. Moreso with a technique someone is having trouble with.

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I'd never have something against those who are doing their best. I'd kill those who are not paying attention and just say I can't do it and don't even try :)


I like those who know their limits and really try to learn something. i've been working with some who can't even stay in a guard position. I show them the technique and help them understand it and aplly it correctly. They freak out when they see me doing it Ok and know they can't do it. I Always tell them it not a problem and they'll do just fine. I just want to see them interested and doing their best. It's all that counts :karate:


Hard working is one of the conditions in order to succees.


And it's our duty (of those who've walked before them) to open their eyes in order to perceive the reality, to encourage them to work, to help and advice, to notice their progress and be there for them. We had and still have beside us teachers who helped a lot and now it's our duty to make thing a little easier for those who come :karate:

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Hey what's everyones opinions on karate and people with ADD? I haven't been diagnosed or anything but I do notice that I don't pay attention in shcool(which is probably natural). That's probably one of my reasons for doing karate to build up focus.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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