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hi there. first off i am 17 years old and live in florida (as seen by my location)


i actually found this forum by doing a google search for discipline low top shoes and saw some posts about them, and then did some other research on them. i was originally going to get the adidas martial arts shoe, but those do not have laces. (they have laces but are just for show), and i really want laces. the discipline low tops have those, so thats why i chose them. (also they seem to be designed very well, at least from their website story and explanation etc)


ok enough of that, i'm not an advertiser or anything, just so you know where i'm coming from.


i am buying the shoes to help encourage me to get into martial arts, and so i have a nice lightweight shoe to wear (almost all popular shoes in stores are pretty heavy and clunky, not the right type), a lightweight shoe to wear when practicing any kicks or martial arts training i do, as well as when playing hacky sack.


i was in tae kwon do when i was very young, 8 or so maybe, and quit pretty quickly (yellow belt maybe? i was turned off by the form memorization, or maybe it was having to go in front of many people and perform. anyways, that was then, not now)


i really want to get back into some type of martial arts.. as whenever i see videos of people doing kicks flips and all that, it's just something that i think i could have tons of fun with, and it's good for you.


i haven't joined any dojo or club yet (i need to get a job first with a stable schedule so i know when i can be free to do it, as well as.. money to pay!)


umm.. i know of a few local places, Karate, Aikido, and maybe a tae kwon do place as well. I believe aikido is mostly grappling and defensive, not very showy or kicking etc.


I mostly want a form that gives lots of movement and encourages jumping kicks, spinning kicks and all that..


so I guess my real question or point of this post is, what type of martial arts should i take?


I try to learn stuff on my own, but it's so hard without proper training and direction. I've hurt myself pretty bad too.. and without the right equipment (mats, mainly) i'm too scared to even try gymnastic type stuff as i hurt myself bad doing that too. (backflips, hand stands, and all that would be nice too, but that's not exactly martial arts, well, at least in beginning, right?) hey i don't really know what i'm talking about so i'll stop trying to act like i do.


i am very flexible but can still go a long way. i can kick over my head quite easily and blah blah.


ok i'll end this post now as i ramble a lot. my contact info is on here if you'd like to chat. i'd like to talk to somebody that knows their stuff.




- andre

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Welcome! Sounds like you would like Tae Kwon Do (lots of fancy spinning kicks) or Tang So Do (not so many spinning kicks but more than karate). Shop around and sit in on classs before making a decision!



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Ah, thank you for the reply.. you know, I never considered just sitting in and watching a few classes (now that I'm a bit more perceptive and observant and know what I want) even though I remember people doing that all the time when I used to be in it.


Thanks.. once I get my job situation together a bit more I'll look into that.

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I agree with Heidi. TKD or Tang Soo Do would be ideal for you. When I did TSD, we did a lot of jumping, flying, and spinning kicks. Plus we were dare-devils hehehehehe. It wasn't part of the system, but we learned "trick kicks." It does help to have basics down before you try those, though. They hurt if you do them wrong.


But it depends on the dojang (school), too. The dojang I just left, didn't teach jumping kicks. But in the higher ranks, the teach spinning kicks. No trick kicks. I had to "show off" in one open class to get people interested.


Untill you find a place to train, check out this site:


https://www.bilang.com Martial Arts Tricks ;)

Laurie F

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Tae Kwon Do definately sounds like a good choice for you, but "shop" around.


When I first started Shotokan karate I kind of "jumped into it" because there wasn't much else available at the time. I didn't even watch any other classes and I regretted that for a while, although now that I have tried other classes I've realised I am in the art for me.


Anyway, my point is, don't be in too much of a hurry to start. Just take your time picking what you learn and where you learn it and then you'll be sure you're making the right decision.


Good luck!

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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