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Whats the point in doing Karate


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If you dont keep Karate for what it was intended for then its not Karate. Its something else. Keep fit.


Boxersice is not boxing and so it is kept separate.


Fitness comes from hard training, when you need to know how to fight you will train harder and become fitter. Karate is for fighting thats why you punch and kick, thats it.

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Take it easy.


I alwas respect everybody's opinions, you should too.


Just go to Japan for a year and practise karate there, then come back here and tell us once again what Karate is.

Kill is love

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If you dont keep Karate for what it was intended for then its not Karate. Its something else. Keep fit.


Boxersice is not boxing and so it is kept separate.


Fitness comes from hard training, when you need to know how to fight you will train harder and become fitter. Karate is for fighting thats why you punch and kick, thats it.

Karate was meant as a means of self defense. That's why they developed it. There was a ban on weapons so they needed a means of empy handed combat to defend themselves.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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There are many different reasons why people persue a martial art. In fact there may be as many different reasons as there are people training. No one is in a position to judge what another person is doing or why when it comes to the reason they train.


It is important when posting in this forum to respect the views of all posters wether you agree with them or not. And attacks upon another poster or another art are definately not welcome.

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I personally think this little one has seen way too freaking many martial arts movies...no...wait.... I mean those crappy 80's cliche ninja cheese movies... those aren't even proper MA movies...


..anyways, I'm pretty sure this one hasn't really ever done a MA, damn I hate these types....


What's wrong with you guys? Ninja is right. We ARE studying the art of WAR, and yes, those who studied the arts of war WERE warriors. He's also right about the fact that karate was created for ONE REASON, unarmed self defense. The fact that it makes you a better person is a secondary benefit. And don't anyone say (about me) "that guy doesn't know what he's talkin about, he doesn't even do martial arts" cuz i've been studying shito ryu karate for ten years. :nod:

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You are supposed to be warriors studying the art of war. Keep it real and what it was intended for. Learn to fight well, Karate teaches this. Dont get lost in the political correct crap of how it makes you better people. It might do that but thats not what its about. Lets face it if you only wnted to get fit you would run or something.


Who says that we have to keep any style exactly what it was intended for? You? Everyone has their own opinions and views about martial arts. If we didn't, there wouldn't be as many MAs as there are today. So don't ocme in here and say that we have to learn Karate only to be able to fight well. Yes that's why I am in it, but i know lots of people that are in MA to be in better shape and just to simply keep active.


I'm sure you are a very good fighter and would probably be able to kick my ass( I am a yellow belt in karate), but that still doesn't give you the right to tell us that we suck at what we do and why we do it. What is your style anyway?


Now, whatever I say to you will probably not affect YOU because you will probably always hate on Karate, but hopefully this will be able to show people your ignorance in your own post.


Just thought I should add this: Ninja Master joined KarateForums on the 17th. That's today! This is his 1st and only post on Karate Forums.


Sounds to me like Ninja is just a basher.


Also, why is it relevant that today is his first day on karate forums.com?? For all YOU (Mr. Yellowbelt) know, he's been studying martial arts since before you were born. Think about that :roll:

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You all say you can see the weeknesses but you do it.


Sure, it has some weaknesses of which I hope to augment one day. But until I feel more competent with strikes/blocks I will continue with my study.

You all say its not about the fighting but you all talk about fighting.


I never said this. To me, it's entirely about the fighting. Personally, I don't just want to lock someone's joint or throw/wrestle them to the ground, I want to hurt them. Badly. And at this stage of the game, I feel that strikes/kicks are the best way to achieve this. Sorry, but some people in this world are evil and need to be hurt. Some people only understand pain and violence. I just want to be able to speak their language when that time comes (althought I hope it never does.)

You all say its about the art but if you want art why do Karate when there are more spiritual sytems.


Although I might find some of the forms visually appealing and can even appreciate another person's perspective that it's "art" to them, I don't approach karate as if it's an art.


NM, if I may make an observation, you sound a bit frustrated. What is really bothering you about karate and/or it's practioners?



"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." - Edmond Burk

"A true warrior embodies more than the ability to wage war." - Anonymous

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