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I put this in here because I thought that it is some way related to karate. Does anyone's dojo teach kobojutsu and karate? Or do you think any dojo will have weapons traning intergrated in the training?

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I teach seperate weapons classes as well, Why?


and yes Kobudo (Okinawan/Ryukyu) is related to karate. They are different elements of the Okinawan Martial Arts, empty hand and weaponry.


ps: It's Kobu, not kobo

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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Kobudo is related to karate, but not all Karate schools teach kobudo, not all the JAPANESE karate i mean.


I've seen many Japanese karate(shotokan,kyokushin,enshin,etc..) schools that doesn't have kobudo programs.


But its very likely you'll find Kobudo in most if not all Okinawan karate(shorin ryu, goju ryu, uechi ryu,etc.) Schools.

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Yeah thats what I thought. That's odd though. I just called my locak okinawan goju-ryu dojo, I asked them if they had a kobudo program, all he told me is that they just had a seminar this morning.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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My shihan studied a lot of kobudo, so we have it as part of our program. It is required in the advanced gradings, and optional earlier on. I've seen the bo, sai, and tonfa studied most, but have also seen 'cat claws', nunchuka (sp?), those nunchuka with 3 or more sections, sai throwing, swords, etc.
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