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A lot of what I have seen of JKD has been guys that have become "certified" instructors through attending seminars. Now are these guy's just being taught the concept of JKD, and then being let loose on the world?


For example Paul Vunak (an instructor under Dan Insanto) offers the following: "The price for a two-day personal training instructorship program is $2,000.00 US" and also makes the following claim, "You'll receive certification to teach my art to others! Since the all three of the Training Programs are instructor candidate courses, most people will be qualified to receive an official Instructorship Certificate, testifying that you are now qualified to teach others what you have learned."


See for yourself at: http://www.fighting.net


Also the guys I know up here are seminar crazy. Always have different guys coming to train...which in itself is great...but after a couple of seminars make them instructors under their system. Now are these guys getting cash, or what's the deal. I know with Judo it takes years to be able to teach, and I would have assumed the same about BJJ.


This is what has puzzled me about JKD, I have to say at least Ken has started from the roots, and from what you guys have said that appears to be the "proper" means of learning the art. Do you find that stuff like this has hurt JKD Ken? I have to admit other than reading some of the old Lee books when I was a kid, I am quite niave to the current state of JKD.


Thanks for the info so far guys it's good stuff....



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I don't know how good JKD is but I suggest you look at your instructor and especially the advance students and look at their skills.


If the advance students are good, chances are that the instructor is qualified and knows how to teach. Being great at something is one thing, but knowing how to teach is whole different ball game.


good luck.

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It's really sad that some people are taking what they know and marketing it and selling it like hot-cakes. A weekend seminar to become an instructor is just silly. Oh well.. Vunak is one of a few people that Dan Inosanto will not speak of, because Dan lives by "if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all". If you get my drift. Vunak has been alleged to give "certification" for other things besides money.. IE.. illegal drugs. It really is sad that people do poor things like this and drive Inosanto's name down. Oh well, the best I can do is to teach "JKD" the way I think is proper and hopefully this will rub-off on my students.



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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I haven't seen it in direct corrolation to Kali.. although there are many "knife fighting" and "stick fighting" seminars that are doing the same thing. Basically they just don't call it Kali, water it down and give it a cool name. I see this type of thing starting to happen to Brazillian jujitsu also. It's hard, but in a society like we live in, there will always be those that just want to make money more than teach good things.



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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Unfortunately so many arts become diluted like that, and with an uneducated public half the time it just gets worse. They either think what they are taking is realy good, and maybe never find out until it's too late. Or it turns them off completely.


We had a civilian teach a seminar once, not JKD, but it was almost comical. First was his total lack of understanding of law enforcement, but the techniques, were weak. The problem was a lot of the guys bought it, because they have no experience other than basic, and with a compliant training partner this stuff "appears" to work.


As always during class I keep my mouth shut, and play along, see what they have to offer (always can learn something new). After class I asked him who trained him, and he dropped a dozen names some BJJ, Ninjitsu...(I wont name names to protect the instructors that he named that he probably never met).


I really think there should be some legal ramifications for stuff like this...Dan has a good reputation, he doesn't need idiots riding on his coat-tail and charging $2000.

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Sorry but i have to disagree with some of you.


I trained in Wing Chun before i got into JKD.


I found it top be a very impractical and even uncomfortable art lacking a great many things.


Combat is more than punching.


Training in JKD wing chun was liberating to say the least.


in answer to the age old JKD style or concept argument. Whatever you beleive i think a base in Jun fan gung fu is necessary , its the base of efficiency to work the many arts you might train from. Otherwsie you get all wound up in the inefficiencies of each of the arts.

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Well, read what Hawkins Cheung has to say about JKD, and Wing Chun. I think it'll clear some things up.




Hawkins was a friend, and fellow training partner at the Hong Kong Wing Chun school. He's got alot of interesting things to say about JKD, and Wing Chun.


Personaly I think simply, JKD is the way to get to Wing Chun. Wing Chun has the rest of the answers.



"Control your emotions, or they will control you"

Bruce Lee

What Belt am I? Black Belt, I wear it with my sunday outfit.


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