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Is Ki the key?(bad pun!)


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Whats everyones view on then use of Ki energy (breathing techs if you're sceptical) in Karate? Does it have a place, or does it go against the hard as nails approach of Karate?


Any know any good Ki exercises for Ki in karate?


Just trying to start a good discussion? :D

Mind, body and fist. Its all a man truly needs.

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People say that Ki gives you more power and speed... it's also good cause using it the right way, the blows you take won't hurt so much, u won't get tired easily... there's an art called Chi Kung, where de people can bend iron bars with the neck... do a lot of interestin things... it's worth trying to look for some Chi kung information....


i guess that's all that i can share with you....

If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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Your not going to pick up rocks with it or anything but it is real and can be felt.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I'll try to help you out a little.


Visualization: Before controling your ki, youhave to visualize it. Picture it as golden water going through your body, making it warm and tingly were it goes. Take a little time at first, before you meditate, to "feel out" the ki. That makes the meditation easier.


Meditation: Sit cross legged, right hand on left calf, left hand on right calf, back straight. Breath in through your nose, out through the mouth. When breathing in, press your toungue on the roof of your mouth a little. When you breath in, picture the ki coming in through your tail bone and into your hara. when breathing out, picture it circling around through your body by coming up from your hara and into your arms. then through your arms into your legs, then through your legs and back into your hara.


Do that meditation for about three weeks, fifteen minutes a day.This gives you, with enough practice, good control of the energy for these techniques.


Ki punch: picture the ki going into the arm which is doing the punch. pack as much in there as you can. When you punch, force the energy out of the arm and through your opponent.


Ki kick: Do the same as the punch except with the leg.


To make punches and kicks faster, do the kick or punch you need to improve, over and over, as fast as you can. No matter how fast it goes, picture it even faster. This will, after a couple weeks, make the technique faster.

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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