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Any Hapkido people?

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I study at a traditional school. My teacher doesn't go by how many years you study, but by how many hours you put in and proficiency of technique. I put in no less than 26 hours a week and know about 600 techniques, weapons, pressure points, pain points, and healing points. My teacher is a GM who studied under Choi and Ji, and says that this is hiw it is. I have been studieng the MA for 22 years now though. I have an extensive background in the MA already. Also, from what I have Been Told and reaserched in Traditional Hapkido, this is fairly universal. If you have ever read Mark Tedeshie's book is as wall says in there that if the average HKD student studied for 2 hours a day 5 days a week they can usualy get their 1st Dan in 18 months, and 2nd dan 18 months later. Also, we have no katas or forms in traditional HKD. I don't know aboutt KSW though. When we are ready my teacher tests us, and its not easy. But if you are ready and can perform then he awards you your belt. Its not about how long you pay you dues, its about how much you put into it and how much you can comprehend. For my GM its not about the money, its about the art. Hell he has a lot of people that owe him quite a bit. From my previous systems I do see where this makes more sense than keeping someone at a perticular rank when they are ready to move up, just becouse they have not spent years paying dues or studieng. Like I said, you get out of this exactly what you put in. If you come and play and no nothing much else he will keep taking your monthly dues, and you will never test. But if you come in putting hours of sweet, pain, and determination in a day you will get what you deserve out of it.


As well, it may not seem like I have been studing very long, but I put 3 times the hours in during a one week time period than many people put in. And right now, for the past 2 months while I wait for my new job to start in March, I put in 11 hours a day. He opens at 10 and closes at 9pm.


8 years is a long time for 2nd. How many things have you learned. I only ask becouse I know that the 2 systems are supposed to be very simular. Do yall have Katas and forms you have to know for testing? I would asume like us you do have philosophy and history requirements.

2nd Dan Hap Ki Do: What we do in life echos for an eternity!

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