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Sparring Accidents


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Hm, in every dojo I've ever attended had full contact sparring...Hell, my first dojo was a TKD dojo. When we sparred we'd put on chest protectors and go full contact with TKD kicks. I had huge ugly bruises on my arms from absorbing kicks from a 7th dan blackbelt.
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My TKD school does full contact with gear. Fun (I'm a gluttin for punshment hehehehehe) :D


My TSD school was point sparring. But, like Kickchicks dojang, the higher ranks fight with no gear. In class the point sparring thing went out the window LOL (it was only for tournies). The black belts used to go full out. It looked like they were killing each other LOL. They also spar with take-downs, so it is a lot different than most dojangs.

Laurie F

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I broke my toe once sparring with a girl from another school. We were both in our teens. Many years later we both ended up at a different school studying TKD and it turns out that she broke a toe in the same match!!! We had a great laugh about it!!!!





"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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we do full contact with head gear only and ground work full contact no gear, a few ko's here and there but its rare, but you were talking about people with no control or timing.... try people running takedown/ arm bar or wrist lock or so forth techniques when they are more concerned with doing it fast than doing it correct. there nothing worse than being the sparring partner of a person more concerned with his appearence as the throws the shoulder crank on you than wether or not hes doing it right (eg. stepping on your face on the way down repeatedly) in sparring its fine if you stomp my face, running technique... lets try to be on point with our movements please

If i still have all my blood it was a good fight, if not, it was a great fight.



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I was practicing self defense techniques with another yellow belt the other day. He gets really into the training, and throws techniques full force... my elbo didn't like getting hyper extended however. Never heard it pop that loud before. :P


I'm starting to learn who is safe to train with and who I should goto when I want to practice something more 'realistic'. ;)


I've seen some of the advanced black belts, take the new black belts down to the floor and lock them up. Everybody in the dojo sort of stops and watches. We all cheer for the students. But after that you see some over-zealous yellow or green belts try and tackle or throw somebody.


As always,


Fear the whitebelt! :lol:

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Another beautiful story from the self defence course I take to accompany my Karate training: been there thursday; a coleague was working with me. We had to try to escape from an attacker who holds our hand (like in Heian Shodan). Afterwards we were taught to hit the attacker in the nose with the "root" of the hand. "Then he would let go" sounded the words of our instructor. Next second I'm still holding the coleagues hand, with tears in my eyes from receiving a very well "intended" hit in the "smeller". "You didn't let go", she wondered.


Imagine the laughs there (they weren't hurting so bd, imagine I've lost all my sense of humour) After I promised her a series of kicks and punches full force, I just swallowed my pain and promised myself AGAIN not to work with beginners .


They are dangerous :)

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