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What's wrong with karate?


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"I can hit you in the head a lot harder with a glove then without."


I take it you do not punch much?




"Can the average striker deal any punishment before a decent grappler can clinch and put them down?


Question works both ways.


I don't knoe enough about football to go to far, but is NFL skills and tactics really that different then lower levels?"


Yes it does, they can run, pass and tackle faster farther longer. They can make plays work better than the average schmoe.


it is easy to throw a punchs to knock someone out. It is not a terribly hard skill to learn. Then again Mcdojos took out tegumi.

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pangnoon-find out for yourself, I would be willing to bet a competent BJJ blue/purple belt would show you a few things

ok...here is the point in karate. If you want to ground fight you have to get me there. If you want to grab me and throw me....try....if you want to tackle me....try


karate does not teach you how to defend a double leg or single leg or most takedowns from the clinch


it's like you living 10 years ago when everyone belived you can just punch someone once before they tackle you and end it.


If someone really want's to get you to the ground it's proabably going to end up there, gravity and balnce are working against you.

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karate does not teach you how to defend a double leg or single leg or most takedowns from the clinch


That depends on the style of karate. The kenpo i take does teach take down defense and jj.

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft." - Pres. Theodore Roosevelt

"You don't have to like it, you just have to do it." - Captain Richard Marcinko, USN, Ret.

"Do more than what is required of you." - General George S. Patton

"If you have to step on someone else to stand tall, then you truely are a small person." - ?

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pangnoon-find out for yourself, I would be willing to bet a competent BJJ blue/purple belt would show you a few things




I have gone up aginst BJJ, I have lost(choked out by a gulitine) and won. they by far emphasize grappling far too much. Unless you can take a beating or get in and grapple before you get hit, grappling should be your secondary fighting style. I am not knocking grappling, in fact I am a grappler myself(greco-roman, so judo mixed in). The problem is that the MA world went from striking to grappling. There should be a happy median there somewhere.


Many Karateka may not know how to deal with a strike but many BJJ do not know how to deal with a striker who can sprawl. One BJJ guy I beat, he went for a double leg take down, I sprawled and gave him a hook to the head. Then I did a flurry, put him in a headlock and took him down with an ankle pick. I lost to his friend who was a lot better. I decied to grapple and went for a double, he slapped on a gilitine and after a minute or so I blacked out.


My point is that some Kararte do know how to grapple. Also you need to set up a takedown, probaly with a stike.

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I dont think BJJ is complete by itself, but i agre with you for the most part..striking is definetly neccesary, but to beat grappling you have to know grappling, simple as that.
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karate does not teach you how to defend a double leg or single leg or most takedowns from the clinch


That depends on the style of karate. The kenpo i take does teach take down defense and jj.


yes they teach you jj, thats not karate :)

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It's Kenpo Karate. Master Rich Fescina (7th degree) is a Nick Cerio black belt and the system he teaches is based on Cerio Kenpo. We are taught JJ at higher ranks. It is primarily a karate system.


Here is the website (It hasn't been updated in a few years but the esssentials are there. :wink: )



"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft." - Pres. Theodore Roosevelt

"You don't have to like it, you just have to do it." - Captain Richard Marcinko, USN, Ret.

"Do more than what is required of you." - General George S. Patton

"If you have to step on someone else to stand tall, then you truely are a small person." - ?

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karate does not teach you how to defend a double leg or single leg or most takedowns from the clinch


That depends on the style of karate. The kenpo i take does teach take down defense and jj.


yes they teach you jj, thats not karate :)



It could also be Tegumi, a grappling art that originated in Okinawa, and complimented Karate.

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I dont think BJJ is complete by itself, but i agre with you for the most part..striking is definetly neccesary, but to beat grappling you have to know grappling, simple as that.




Very true, if a Karate school does not teach grappling then shame on them, because they are not teaching a compleate style. If a grappling school only teaches grappling then same to them.

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a double leg takedown? my friend who does BJJ tried to do that on me I just front kicked him in the stomach and he flew back


and keep in mind karate has leg trips as well (well my style does)

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