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first dan requirements


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I had to do...


every kata from white belt to black (11 katas)


every kumite and combination set (6 kumite's and 3 combination sets)


drills (including combinations and double/spinning type kicks)


the test took an hour.

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Testing Kata


A Kata of our choice suprise


Basics and Combos


Sparring usually 30 mins


General Info on History of Art


Ability to teach beginners

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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1 IN The ring ten minutes each with 5 senior black belts. 2You Must know all empty hands,& Weapons kata. 3 You Must do the bunkai/applications of one of the emtpy hand kata/forms. 4After That you'll get your promotion,& Afterwrads We all go out for some pizza. :brow:
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All 14 katas. 9 defensive sets and 9 offensive sets. Drills - kihon moving back and forth across the floor. Successful execution of a hand break - twice and a foot break twice. Then succesful kumite or sparring. Oh and a written test subimitted ahead of time.
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Palgwes 1-8


Kicking combinations: basic and sparring style


Jump kicks: front, side, round, back


All basic techniques and kicks -in Korean!


One-step sparring sets 1-9


Wrist releases


Knife defenses


Self defense 1-4


Arnis blocks and counters, sinwale and double sinwale


BJJ techniques-basic escapes and counters


Free sparring


Board breaking: 4 basic kicks




Written examination



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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In my school of isshinryu you are tested on 8 empty hand katas, 2 weapon katas, basic chart techniques, physical fitness, takedowns, hold breaks, knife defense, you must make up your own kata from techniques from charts and other katas, kumite, self defense from various attacks. You must write essays on Funakoshi--My Way of Life, history of karate, stances strengths and weaknesses, mizu gami, Shimabuku, What karate means to me. You are tested on the four basic falls. The whole test takes about 3 hours.
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