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whatever you do tho .. try your best not to let him mount you .. from experience: its very hard to unmount a heavier opponent who keeps control of his weight on you.

"Accept what is useful. Reject what is useless." -Bruce Lee

Shodan - Shizukana-do

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While I rarely find myself in such a situation because I'm often the larger of the two people doing ne waza, I would offer two possible solutions.


1. If you don't start in a kumi uchi position(meaning you aren't already grabbing each other) and he charges forward with arms extended to propel you backward you might try placing one hand in his armpit forcing the shoulder upwards toward his head while simulataneously pushing inward on his opposite knee. This movement when done correctly, lands uke on his back and in excellent position for any number of classic aiki pinning techniques.


2. And going from a more jujitsu approach you can always fall into a guard position and use your opponents gi to apply a juji jime or more commonly called a cross lapel choke. If you pull him to your chest as you do this you can almost completely eliminate the prospect of him breaking in your face with punches.


Hope this was of some help.

Matt Gilliard

Shodan- Yoseikan Aikido

Shodan- Goshin Jujitsu

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There are a lot of moves you can do from here, but your best bet is to stay on top.


The first thing you need to do is keep compact - don't stretch your arms out to grab him as he'll have more leverage than you if he's bigger and stronger. With your right hand push his head sideways to his right and get your head against the left side of his neck (this should be done as a quick move). Keep your spine straight and your arms in (like a T-Rex). By keeping his head sideways you severely limit his forward drive. Your right hand grabs his left pants near the knee, your left hand grabs his right elbow. Angle your body slightly so it's facing 45 degrees to his right. Drive forward keeping your head against his neck and pull slightly with your arms to take away his base and you should end up on top near side-control.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

Shootfighting - 3rd Degree Black Belt

TKD - Black Belt

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Same situation in Judo. As he muscles me onto my back I executed a lapel choke. Grab both lapels of his gi and pull down on one side, straight-arm the other side up, across his throat. His weight will intensify the choke.

"There is only one tactical principle which is not subject to change; it is, 'To use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time.' " Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

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