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George Bush .. The ugly American.


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I thought i would throw this out there. There is quite an international community posting here, how do some of those from around the world see Americans ? Good, bad, ugly, pompous, self serving, other ?




I'm not trying to start any arguments, only trying to get an opinion from those outside of the U.S.



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Before this discussion starts I want to let you in on one thing. There are very few americans that like bush, infact most of them voted for Bush because no one in their right mind would want Gore as president. Secondly you can really judge america for two reasonl. You can say all people from here are like this. It doesn't work that way everyone is different. The second reason is because america is a very diverse nation. We have asians, african americans, hispanics, jews, arabs, muslims things no one has ever heard of pretty much. I think the reason most of the world hates america because the polocy of the goverment we have. We're always so tough on dictators and force sanctions on them an all that. But we ourselves are practicly the dictaor of the world. If it doesn't go our way, we cut off countries from our aid. I think that's one of the reasons everyone hates america. Then there is the religious thing which I could really care less about because it's just as ignorant as the KKK killing black people because of their belifes. Whatever people say about use though, and whatever wrong thing our goverment does(they do a lot by the way) I'm still and American, and a proud one.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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All the Americans I have ever met are down to earth polite, friendly people.


Politicians on the other hand no matter what part of the world they come from need to be slapped.

John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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I disagree I think a lot of American like Bush. They realize he is not the sharpest knife in the kictchen but they also realize he knows that as well. He has put together and outstand group of advisors and his dad is always at his side.


Bush is a religous man who speaks to the common man. Although he is tied to Big Oil and the "rich" he is a president that the poor tend to love. Look at the last election. States like WV and Ark who always vote Democratic go for him because they see him as being one of us.


Im a History person I love it. Bush II gets a lot of bad press because the media is so far left its crazy but the common man on the street loves him. Because he is not much differant than any of us, despite his family ties.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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You Yanks no nothing of Ugly politics!


Have you ever seen a session in the British houses of Parliment.... its like a fight down your local pub.






I quite like Bush, he's a plain man with plain idea's. Personally I sorta perferred Clinton.


He is very pro-America, which ofcourse is a good thing, if your American. However pulling out of a fair few treaties does make him a hipocrite (sp) when it comes to lectureing to other countries. But he was better than Gore.......

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The ugly American Bush? The only answer that warrents is: Absurd.

"A deer admires a lion. But all the members of our family are lions. So it doesn't matter which lion I admire. "

-Rener Gracie-

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