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JuJitsu/Judo Testing for belt advancment?

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Hey guys and gals. Like you all probably know I have decided to take JuJitsu once i get moved up to my new location. From what I understand there is no solo forms such as there are in Karate or kung fu styles so how do they test?


I am assuming it is some sort of wrestling (Randori)? If so is it against a person of equal or grater experience? Higher belt rank than yourself? Is it a full out free style match to see if you can execute the techniques you have been tought or is it simple performing the moves on a non resistant partner?


I know there is some striking and so on but I do not think there will be any breaking in belt progression. Also is it usually up in front of the class all alone with everyone watching or is it usually a group test?


The last kung fu school I was in was very easy because the Sifu would just watch and promote you to the next sash when he felt you were ready with no tests at all! Karate in my childhood days was also easy just perfoming the katas.


Anyway Any advice would be great! Thanks Friends!

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well when i studied ninpo/jujitsu we did sparring but we had to use each tecnique we knew to defend against your partners attack,


and you didn't know which attack he was goin to do so you still had to defend against it ,

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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Well, in the one Jujutsu dojo I attended the sensei moved students up when he felt they were ready and had the techniques for that level down pat. At the dojo I'm currently attending the sensei will advance the student when they can run through all the techniques in the list for belt ranks (around 20-25 for white and it moves up from there) and do them smoothly.
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There should be a set of "boards"-one for each belt. These boards are a listing of the techniques learned at each level and one must pass each "board" in order to advance. There is no real sparring in traditional jujitsu styles because students are taught finishing techniques that would not be appropriate in sparring situations. In otherwords, in combat, techniques are done full out for self defense and to hold back in a sparring situation would be detramental to the technique (and hence lessen its effectiveness in real combat). "Sport" jujitsu on the otherhand encourages students to spar and attend tournaments-similar to judo.


(This is my experience only, other systems of jujitsu may have another way or philosophy :) )



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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