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justice, injustice, self defense, i need an answer to this


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I think the consensus is that direct involvement is not a good idea. However, indirect involvement is another story.

There might be a reason that thirty people are picking on him.


The reason is imaterial. 30/1 is unacceptable, and the school must be made aware of it. If he's being brought to tears, then it needs to be stopped. Nobody at that age deserves that kind of treatment.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Hi there,


i read all this story and thought of it a bit. look, as some people said before,30 persons(a smal army) against.... 1!! is that a school or..... something else?


so, there must be a good reason for their "attack". look, is your friend for example a black and the others are white or vice versa? is he rich and the others are poor? does he have something that those others want? does he look like a stupid so all the others are following him just to tease him and they end up finally by hitting him? i think that one of those choices is a right one.


so look,you con't do anything by yourself and "DO NOT" do something by yourself.don't even bring guys to help you and get into fight with the "attackers". you only need to talk with the directors in your school. just warn ,tell them that "this" guy will be attacked by some guys and let them go with you and see the situation from a near distance without letting the "attackers" to see them (otherwise they won't attack the guy) and when they do, the responsibles will catch them. And at the same time,you have to work in parallel: let "him" tell his parents what's happeninh to him! and if u want to help him, tell also your parents and then, let the parents talk to the responsibles in your school...! i mean, they "should" talk...


think that like this,you'll solve the situation quickly and while always being on the safe side.but again, don't work alone....never do this because you may fall in trouble as one person told you.and don't ever try to fight with them. in case you read my text "inside a cage...no freedom!", you'll know who i am and you might be surprised why i'm not asking you to use fight.but trust me,in ur case, using fight won't help at all. fight is only use in the street with bad guys. but inside a school,u can't use it even though many bad guys use it but you have to be intelligent and find other ways to save yourself without getting in trouble with the bad ones. otherwsie,problems may be more serious.... just think of this....


i hope i helped you a bit ;-) take care.

Wissam sfeir


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  • 1 month later...
I dunno if it's been suggested, if your his instructor, why don't you talk to his parents. This is a really serious situation and I'm guessing this is a high school thing which means it's even worse. IT seems the only thing if there is no other alternative is him transferring to another school. thirty, Goodness thats a lot of people bullying one. the polic report might be the way to go.

The moon shines on

The waters not present

In an undug well

Yields forth a man

With neither shadow nor form

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Start with the principal and the parents. No results there, go to the school board. No results there, it's time to escalate. Since the various incidents where a kid who was bullied finally fought back with a gun, most schools are very sensitive to their public image. They do NOT want to be seen as ignoring bullying. So you launch a stealth attack. You call up a reporter, describe the situation and your attempts to help, explain you've gotten nowhere, and say you're "worried about what might happen...", trailing off ominously. I can almost guarantee that the reporter, wanting to get in on the ground floor of a possible Pulitzer if the situation explodes, will be on that story like ugly on an ape, and he will guard his source, too, so no one need know you tipped him. Let us know what happens!
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Do something!


It might seem a frightening prospect, but its the kind of thing that you'll regret when you're a bit older. You'll always put yourself down for not standing up for the poor kid.


Its best not to get into a physical confrontation with the bullies if at all avoidable. After all you're largely outnumbered and physical violence should always be avoided if at all possible. Try to approach a teacher and get them to do something. Don't be afraid to give the names of the bullies. Or you could try and befriend the kid getting bullied, try and find out why he's being bullied and try to resolve it. Or you could try speaking to the ringleader of the bullies, but only if you're very diplomatic or else the situation could easily spiral out of control.

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this kind of ground, but there are, as in many situations like this countless unknowns.


Has this kid got any friends inside school? What do his friends do about it? Is he on is own at break?


Bullying has a very manipulative control over people (especially children of a young age) so it’s important to let him know that he is not alone and that people care.


The beautiful thing is, you can actually do something to help him


Become his friend, stick up for him. No matter how insane the situation, give him something to confide in, to share his feelings with. If he’s having violent rages this usually (I strongly believe) that this is really (REALY) got to him. School is for learning and fun, but learning to cope with this kind of situation on your own, at this age, is not only mean - its wrong. Strong self will is very important, but its not the only answer.


I work in a job where I depend on the people around me, where I can’t just depend on my own skills alone. We all need people to support us when we are in trouble, to help us if we are in need.


This kid needs your help NOW


Telling the teachers and both the bullies parents and the kids parents would be an excellent start, bringing a possible truce to this, negotiate before acting.


Talk to the kid and sympathise with him.


I believe this as martial artist and as a human being. Violence must always be avoided, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it.


Man is violent and non violence is just a immature approach to violence. You must learn to understand violence, and go beyond it if you are to solve it.


If a situation calls for it, unleash it with fury. Ask not what you are fighting but what you are protecting.


Punish the guilty and reward the innocent.


May your humanity find route :)

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You all don't know what you're talking about. I'll tell you the way it goes in my school wich is in inner city brookly with 4000+ kids.I'm in 11th grade and I'm 17. You can't tell the bullies parents because then he'll come after you. Its very simple,high school is like jail.......here me out.......There are the bullies and the people that sit back and laugh alone with the bully. What you have to do is if you see a poor little kid getting picked on you must go up to the bully and stare him down. You TELL him to stop and he will. It takes a wolf to beat a wolf. Thats only if we're talking about a classic bully who picks out the smallest kid and picks on him. But if we're talking about a gang thing then thats a different story. I would not advise anyone to try to take on a GANG. The lone bully is a sorry excuse for a human. Hes an outsider who most likely gets picked on at home.
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