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How well can a yellow belt defend themself?


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Well I'm starting highschool next year, that's about the time I'm expecting to get my yellow belt. I was wondering sense there are just too many immature people out there, there is bound to be some jerk that's gonna start something because i'm in karate. I plan to just walk away, but that does lead to even worse things in my expirience. Anyway I wanna know, if the need arises how well will I be able to defend myself, that is if the need araies.


It depends on your skill and physical strength/speed. But most yellow belts (from what i've seen) without fighting experience don't fight very well.

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Trust me the jerks at my school would.


Hey man i knwo what u mean. One time a friend and myself walked out of our dojo still wearing our Gi's (not smart). We were confronted by two 15 year old boys (we are 16 by the way, but have been training for like 2 years each and we would have kicked the snot outa the kids). They wanted to fight us just because we were martial artists. Don't tell people you do karate, it invites trouble.


Oh yeah, karate only helps you lose weight if you have a good diet. I didn't lose much weight from karate but my endurance has increased threefold.

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I'm really worried more about endurance then actually losing weight. I have good cholesterol, and eatign a good diet would be good anyway. Anyway back to what I was going to say. There is was a japanese exchange student at our school a couple years ago. I think he studied the original owinawan karate right. Well anyway he took his gi to class to talke about it and everything. During lunch there was a bunch of kids hassling him about it, they're lucky they didn't touch him they probably would wound up in the hospital. That's why I don't want people to know I do karate. And why I was askign, because highschool kids are probably a lot worse.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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Kids, more than adults I'd say, are pack animals. The more of them you have, the more aggressive they get. I've seen the difference... in my first HS there were maybe 2000 students, and there were some crazy fights (weapons, fires, broken bones, etc.). In my second school there were maybe 200 students, and the only fights were when a friend of mine was sparring with me. Same 'spectrum' of students, just smaller numbers.


So, yeah keep quiet about the karate unless you want to get in trouble. If you do get in trouble run, and if you can't run, fight as a last resort. If you really practice your stuff, maybe you can scare them away without violence, maybe.

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Honestly, you shouldnt tell anyone that you are even in Karate, its for your personal gain, not for anyone else. I went through the same thing in HS and here is what I learned...


1.) Never back down, but DONT go causing trouble.


2.) Most people that would start with you are doing it bacause they know it gets under your skin, if it doesnt, they wont see the point.


3.)Ask your instructor to teach you a few non lethal grounding techs, if something should happen, make it quick and effective, but keep it non lethal because if it gets bloody, that will just start the fun "gang warfare" with you as a target....


Good luck!

2nd Dan / Shorin Ryu

1st Dan / WTF TKD

Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it...

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