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Has anyone harnessed there ki?

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JerryLove, your point is well noted. It's a bit too late for preventing injuries though, as I've injured myself a few times... but it's helped me understand how the circulation of this force(to be general about the term) works. As well as how to manipulate it 'rather' safely - I still experiment cautiously.


tkdlegend, I've been messing around with it since I was a child to be honest. I don't really know why or how it started happening so early. I recall discovering that I could concentrate tingles on my fingertips, then my fingers, and sometimes including parts of my palms. I also recall experiencing sensations on the middle of my forehead. To describe it: invisible fingers pushing through my forehead gently on one spot ... or sometimes it would feel like a concentrated pulsating beat. It didn't hurt but sometimes it would feel like there was a lot of pressure on one spot.. It would be annoying so I would massage my forehead to get the feeling to leave.


Those are the two things I can remember clearly happening a few times. The concentrated forehead sensations happened a lot though. No it wasn't a fever, lol. It would be between my eyebrows just above the top of my nose. I eventually figured out how to intensify the sensation by focusing on the spot.


To make this a bit more short, I eventually searched online for something called the 'third eye' when I was 12 years old. I remember someone telling me it might be related to that. Surely I found some information, and then it lead to more subjects of this matter. I ended up finding resources on chakras, life force energies (ki/ch'i/qi/prana/etc.), and some psychic information. It was kinda weird I must admit.. but that's how I started to learn about what might be going on. I've been experimenting with different exercises from various belief systems since then (I'm 16 now). I looked into Reiki as well. What gets me a bit confused is how come I've felt this stuff since around 7 years of age (as far as I can remember w/ more detail). Anyway just sharing because of your interest.

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate

<--| Knowledge of Self |-->

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Yes, the middle of the forehead is a major access / concentration point for energy. It sounds like you might do well with some basic text / instruction on opening and closing the gates.


At the risk of suggesting with little information or ability to supervise, breath in though your forehead; pull the breath into your abdomen, not your chest, then breath out down your legs and into the ground... If you have a nice tree, try breating in from it and out too it (through the same spots on you). Let me know what you get from that.

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I tried it a few times since I didn't feel as relaxed and focused as I should.


I felt the brow centre concentrate(the pressured fingers feeling) when I focused on intaking energy/breath into it. As I followed the breath down my body I didn't feel much flow, but I stored/concentrated it at the abdomen once it got there. Then as I exhaled and directed the energy down through my legs I felt a stronger flow. [Flow, meaning it's like a current of vibration inside the specified area.] When it left through the soles of my feet they began to tingle gradually. They're still active with the charged tingling. Also if I just think about my forehead I'll feel the pressurized feeling now.


I'm thinking I could have had better results, so maybe I'll try again when I have more free time and less school work.

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate

<--| Knowledge of Self |-->

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I have punched to the third eye in combat...Works very well with a rolling backfist. Good stun attack that prepares for the chain punches.


Jerry, I live in Tarpon Springs florida....


Chances are everybody feels their ki, especially when they are younger. I mean really young. I did, my friends did, we just didn't know what it was back then. Hell I am only 17 right now...But from what I understand the three main ways your body absorb Ki is through your feet, which flows through your body to the top of your head. Through your breath, which is stored in the dan tian. And the third is...Through your pores--Or something like that. I can feel the first two, but not the pore stuff...

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Different people have different sensativities.. There are some that cannot do Qigong because they react to it (like an allergy), there are some hat will never be able to feel energy... the other 98% are somewhere in-between.


The Dan Tien is one of the 7 nexus's of Qi in your body. It's a populer one (the Bublling well) both for being in your bods middle, and for it's ability to hold vast amounts of energy without adverse effect.


The proper flow of Qi depends a lot on what you are discussing, When you look at the circulation, it's generally up your back and down your front, but directed work (such as the marrow-washing meditation I was describing earlier) works by drawing in through your third eye (and hands) and washing down through your legs.


Stold, ever travel out to Tampa? There's another Qigong workshop coming up in a few months.

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Hiya all. This is a very interesting thread. I just started to read stuff on Ki. Just the little I know now, I know I have too much Yin (negitive energy). Jerry, can you help me with this?

Laurie F

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So you are cool and you want to be warmer... Yang is associated with action and agression. I usually move from one to another with a chinge in intent, you might want to look at something more outwardly active / aggresive.


In the school, we would correct that with LoHan (in fact, our problem is usually getting them more cool), but I'm not sure what to recommend on a BBS.

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"warmer" and "more Yang" are interchangeable. Therefore my post above has my answer.


"you might want to look at something more outwardly active / aggresive."




"I'm not sure what to recommend on a BBS."


I'm sorry I can't be more specific.. It's difficult without seeing / feeling what you are currently doing and illustrating things to change the same way (showing / allowing to feel).

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I really want to know what I shoudl do this for. I was thinking it was like the ki stuff in the martial arts where you can basicly be hit extremley hard but not really be damaged. That's mostly what I wanted it for so when I start my martial arts.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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