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^ nah I'm way up in washington state. I'm going to buy Ki In Daily Life though is that a good booK?

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

wellim all the way in aus, so its extremely hard to find any resource or someone who is experienced in manipulating ki... jerrylove, you sound like you know your stuff... any pointers for someone with a keen interest to get started?

-= To truly be immortal, you must be ready to face death. =-


Ki in Daily life is an excellent book. Koichi Tohei Sensei was one of my teachers teachers. He is VERY good.


Best of Luck.


Like so many arts, it's far easier to expand your nowledge then get started. Once you have a basic skill, you can pretty much figure it out on your own, from books, etc. It's getting that good base that is difficult.


I seem to remember knowing a Taichi guy on one of these boards who was in Oz.. haven't spoken with him in a long time.. will see if I can track him down for you.


thanx jerrylove nice of you to help, i appreciate it.


also, is there any good websites that go through methods of tai chi, and other arts that help increase and harness ki?

-= To truly be immortal, you must be ready to face death. =-


I'm not certain. The thing is I've been able to, after quite a while of experimentation, stimulate my nervous system with intent and focus simply by will. Most effectively the nerves that run up and down my spine, which then connect to my brain.


One example is, I will focus on the back of my head intensely and then feel it out well.. and suddenly it feels as if the nerves become stimulated and a rush of tingles run up and down my spine. It sometimes starts from the back of my brain, or it just builds up when the flow travel up my spine. Maybe they're fluids as well? I have no idea. From what I'm aware, theoretically I should be able to do this...? I'm not imagining it either (it's not all in my head), because sometimes the flow is so strong it jerks my posture. I'll be laying back in a chair experimenting with the feeling and then suddenly I'll get it flowing intensely.. and when it rushes up and down the top of my spine, I'm jerked to a sitting up straight posture. It feels like fluids to tell you the truth.


There's no real practical application for that, so what the? lol. The only odd things that have happened is I'm left feeling very energetically refreshed in some cases, and also in a happy state. It's like a self-induced drug haha. Also I've been able to direct the tingles down my arms before and then it feels as if there's a build up there. My palms can become pretty damn dry when I try to push the feeling/buildup-of-tingles out of them. (which is weird). I've never asked my doctor about it though, being paranoid and all.

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate

<--| Knowledge of Self |-->

extremely interesting... how long have you been doing this for?

-= To truly be immortal, you must be ready to face death. =-


One example is, I will focus on the back of my head intensely and then feel it out well.. and suddenly it feels as if the nerves become stimulated and a rush of tingles run up and down my spine.


Another example of why an instructor is a god idea. Though in your particular example, I see no danger with your chosen target, there are alot of mistakes one can easily make (just as someone woring gym equipment or dieting witout proper education can injure themselves). It's not difficult to put energy where you don't want it (may I advise heavily agasint trying to force energy into your head or chest), it's also easy to bleed it of, or suck things you don't really want (I have many a neopagan friend with this issue... been working with them).

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