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Fear of Fighting?

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Two ways to get over your fear. One is to desensitize yourself. Imagine the even in as clear detail as you can. Do so often, plus get your self to spar. Hopefully you will slowy be able to get over your fear.


The other way? Suck it up, soldier on.

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I've had a very bad incident once. It was a few lessons before my black belt grading.


I was training very hard because I wanted to get it and when I went to one of my lessons when this other kid, also grading for his black turned up.


Now it was all going ok until we had to pair up. we were practicing our 1 step sparring for the day and he decided that every time he would counter he would hit me as hard as he could in the right shoulder. That wasn't very nice of him was it? No and it hurt like hell :cry:


So I kept continuously being hit as hard as possible in the arm, then he did a cheap shot when he was attacking with a thrust kick. I wasn't ready, I was still getting into stance after switching legs round and he decided he would do a thrust kick full powered into my stomach. Now thats what hurt! I staggered back quite a few steps until I hit the wall and I was quite winded.


I managed to hold in the pain with that but it f*ing winded me bad....


So next came the free fighting... He countinously hit me as hard as possible wherever possible (he didn't hit me between the legs though. I was sooo thankful for that.... :angel: )


He continously hit me as hard as he could like I said, anywhere he could. I was in such pain through that... I hit him back hard in retaliation but I don't think any of them were as strong as his...


I was so relieved when the lesson had finished.... I went home in pain and p*ed off.


I almost didn't grade for my black after that... I was actually scared that I would have to fight the same person... I really didn't like him. But with a little help from everyone in my family they pursuaded to go for it, I was still scared but relieved when I had to fight someone else. But I kept flinching... Every time I went into attack this boy would just be able to put his foot in the way and I would flinch and immediately back off. I only got one punch into him... And I failed for lack of attacks and aggression... :bawling:


A few days after that I looked at my arm to see if the boy had left any bruises after his counters... There was a massive, bright yellow bruise, with some areas covered in black...


I was scared of him for quite a while and didn't like the idea of fighting after that...


Actually. This really helped! Now I remember how much I wanted to kick his a* back then. And makes me want to work harder.. (slight adrenaline rush going through my body ;) )


Ohh. That was kinda fun!


I wanna fight him


RIGHT NOW! *ahem...* sorry bout that...


Just think about revenge.. that should help you recover... ;)

Everybodies Going Kung Fu Fighting! Yah Hoocha! LMAO

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Your original question, has anyone had an injury and how did work past it to continue in the martial arts.


I've had a few. None of them, however, stopped me from training. Instead, they had the opposite effect. They further inspired my training efforts.


The only thing I can think to recommend is just put it behind you and train harder. Focus on the pain and you will never be able to push past to the victory.



"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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