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Power punching?

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I was recently at a friends house the other day and I saw him hitting a bag that was rested aginst the wall. Each time he woudl hit it he would hold his fist there to a count of ten and then hit it again. He said that it was a thing called power punching at it's suposed to make you hit a lot harder because it trains your muscles to keep pushing forward after you deliver the blow. Is this really true? He did not learn it from his instructor he read it in an article in some magazine, I can't remember which magazine he said it was.


Also if this doesn't count as a stardgy or tactic I'm really sorr, this seemed like the most appropriate place to pose it.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I don't know what he called it, I just know that he said it makes your puches more powerful so I took it among myself to name it Power Punching. Does it really work though?

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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I remember seeing the HFL "Power Punching" video, I don't recall it actually teaching anything but the best way to do normal punching, so PP was just the title of that video.


But about the actual question... I have seen some people do that same thing, but I have never heard of anything that would support such practice. On the contrary, everyone skilled in punching (like boxing instructors, who should know) always stress the importance of quick return of the hand. Remember, you fight as you train. If you train to stick the hand out and keep it there without pulling it back immediately, that's exactly what you'll do when crap hits the fan. A component of proper punching is of course, to strike "through" the target. That should be a given. Usually you don't need such special training for it, just punch through the bag, through the mits and through the sparring partner when you punch. Otherwise your punch will be a weak snap.

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I've seen people throw those "power punches" and all though they do have quite a bit of power the other person usually can counter it quite quickly. If you use it I recommend being fairly big, but I know my friend does that but his instructor also taught him how to back out fast too and so he has both power and speed. I could tell you what he told me and how his pumches worked if you want.

It's time to controll your mind and not let your mind controll you.

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well it's hard to teach something that's physical through words but I'll give it a shot. Basically what your going for is a punch where your entire wight enters your punch without falling over or losing balance at all. I was taught by my friend who had a personal trainer for two years and this is what he taught him. when you punch you want to keep it focused and well taimed (don't let your wrists bend) When you go for the punch stay lose handed right tell the point that your about to it. the reason for that is your a lot faster when lose your free to do almost anything and right when your fists clutch and you hit that's when you put all your weight in this effect giving you a fast yet effective punch. I'm not sure what stance you use so I'll go at it from a boxing stance. your to your site and hands up and lose. go in for that punch and right when you do it twist you entire upper half into it and close your fist tight and try to put all that energy right into that punch.try not locking your arm while doing this it might hurt your elbow really bad like I did.(it sucked :( ) for practice I recommend taking maybe 10 pounders or so and punch slowly and acuretly with the weights in your hands then when you've built up more strength try going faster and faster tell you're throwing fast and extremely effective punches. and practice practice practice I could never stress that enough.

It's time to controll your mind and not let your mind controll you.

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Why don't you take the classes first and then ask some questions. You are going to do yourself a great diservice by mixing and matching advice from the internet.

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