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Toughest exercises you've done in your martial arts

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We do alot of skipping,three,5 min rounds with situps in rest periods for 2mins and back to skipping.


Another tough exercise is kicking,kicking shield with shins 50 x each side no rest in between.


Punching focus mitts at instructor's count,so you do the number of punches he calls out,this can go on for 5-10 mins.and then when done doing same thing adding knees this time.


One other tough exercise we do is situps with a partner everytime we sit up we pass a medicine ball to the other person,back and forth for 3 mins,doesn't sound like a long time,but trust me it hurts,and strengthens your stomache muscles.


What are some tough exercises you do in your school?

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Yeah, I was wondering that too.


1200 kick exercise they just started from headquarters.




10 front kicks


10 front kicks without putting the foot down


10 double front kicks


10 triple front kicks


Repeat with other leg


Repeat for all other basic (non-spinning) kicks.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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We really don't do any "tough" exercises rather we do "challenging" drill work. Our exercises consist mainly of a warmup (jog, toe raises, korean jacks) dynamic stretching (rising kicks) slow static stretching. End of class cool down is crunches and pushups (korean & reg.)


But the "tough" drill is the jump roundhouse off front leg (keeping leg up) advancing down length of floor, turn around and come back. The with target bag... left and right jump roundhouses to bag going forward and then going backward down length of floor.


I had very "brief" training in Aikido to know that forward Ukemi is forward "rolls" (somersault) (?)

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20 minutes of katas done real slow and real low. and continuously (almost - 20 seconds yame.) Afterwards ... let's have some kumite. Pair up! Change partner. Now use just the legs ... now only the hands ... now both ... change partner ... come on ... move ... At the end situps, pushups, crunches and so on ...


Next time ... almost the same :) Not to mention working with pads ... and doing endless kicks ... ah ... and ashi barai (sweeps) with a resisting parter. Come move your hips ... put him down. Ah you still are able to move your legs ... lets do some drills. :D

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Yeah, I was wondering that too.


1200 kick exercise they just started from headquarters.




10 front kicks


10 front kicks without putting the foot down


10 double front kicks


10 triple front kicks


Repeat with other leg


Repeat for all other basic (non-spinning) kicks.


OMG!!! I remember these in TSD (enderance week .... which was once a month). We used to judge what kind of stuff my instructor would do by his mood. If he was in a bad mood, he would kill us with technique work. If he was in a good mood, he would make us do every kick in the book. Everything from stationary kicks, to jump kicks, to flying kicks 10 times each leg ..... man my legs were like jello after that! Not to mention all the push ups, sit ups, and stuff we did first.

Laurie F

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I remember my first Karate Sensei, one day in the winter took us out for the "warm-up" of the class with a 15 minute BAREFOOT run in our gi-s in the snow. Brrrrr.


I used to do huge repetitions of exercises, then I figured they're not actually that effective beyond about 20 reps (except for building technique, rather than conditioning), now I just increase the load instead.


So instead of doing 100 push ups, instead I do 20 handstand push ups, or pushups wearing a weighted backpack....

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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