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Akido Technique Question.

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There are many basic techniques that may be used against Boxer punches, a Straight jab (Stiff) can be turned in to Ik-kyo or Waki-gatame -Kote-gaeshi - or a quick Jab ( like a rapid firing piston) even parried away and the boxer could take an Irimi - nage.


Things being relative - mentality of fighters and experience as well - it all really depends on timing and that moment in time. People always say - well what if i do this or that - I always so let's just do it and see what happens - I don't think being predetermind on a set of techniques is the best thing - you just have to wait and see what that person gives you.


The double leg or single leg takedown - possibly Kaiten-nage or another projection.


The Round House kick, Kokyu-nage comes to mind-


It's hard to answer the question in detail when your question was only directed to defenses of Aikido to those specific situtations.


I hope some of what I stated above helps


I currently hold a 2nd degree blackbelt in Aiki-jitsu under Shihan Norberto Negron here in NYC.

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As any good Aikidoka will tell you good Ma-ai (proper distancing) is the best counter to ANY attack. However if not then these would be my choices:


Jab: Kote Gaeshi, Ikkyo or if your quick enough Irimi Nage (20 year technique).


The basic double leg shoot/takedown: Kaiten Nage, Tomoe Nage (Judo/Aikido move), Ikkyo, sankyo and Yonkyo. I think differently on the use of projections in this case TJS. Personally, I think that the projections are better used against striking and the pinning is better against Grappling.


roundhouse kick:


Kokyu Nage, Tenchi Nage.


Hope this helps. :karate:

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Sorry, here is the translation.


Kote Gaeshi, Wrist Twist. Basically a break across the wrist bone or a pressure point set up for a throw. What I mean by that is that it usually makes people go up on their toes to stop the pain.


Ikkyo, is the fundemental move in Aikido of all the pins. (well mostly) So you pull the arm across and in front of you. Usually low enough for you to snap the arm with your knee.


Irimi Nage: Aikido's hardest and most effect techniques. It took O sensei Ueshiba 20 years to develope and perfect. In a nut shell you jump at your attacker with what can only be discribed as a Ki Cloths Line. :lol: Some of the best Aikidoka use the "scarf" techniqe which in stead of just the arm across the shoulder, they take the whole head around in their arm.


Kaiten Nage: rotator throw. Once your attack is bent over, you then take his right arm for example and try and get his hand towards his left shoulder. The Hyper extension of the arm forces all the pressure on to his right shoulder. Now unless he break falls, then somethings going to give.


Tomoe Nage: Is when you slide under the shooter grab his shoulders put your foot on his stomach and send him flying over you.


Sankyo: Is a wrist and finger lock and a take down to a mean pin.


Yonkyo: is a wrist/elbow take down and pin.


Kokyu Nage: breath throw : so you would corner step then throw them. I am sure you could find a pic.


Tenchi Nage (my fav :P ) the Heaven and Earth throw, you would enter through the kick and plant them in the mat. Again difficult to discribe.


Hope my Aikido to English dictionary helped.



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Tomoe Nage: Is when you slide under the shooter grab his shoulders put your foot on his stomach and send him flying over you.


Or for a nice variation try planting your foot on their groin for the throw. It doesn't take away anything from the mechanics, but it hurts just that much more.



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  • 2 weeks later...

If you watched the Ricco-Sylvia fight from UFC 41, Sylvia defended several of Ricco's takedown attempts with what essentially amounted to kaiten-nage. He forced his head down with one hand and underhooked one of Ricco's arms with his other hand then threw him off to the side.


I'm not trying to claim Sylvia does aikido, but I just remember watching the fight and thinking "Hey, we did that in class this week."

Aikido (AAA) - http://www.aaa-aikido.com

6th Kyu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - http://www.elite-martial-arts.com

White belt

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was asked to stand up & Give one of the Akido black's a 1....2 punch at his head.In other words hit the dude in the face with my left hand & folow it up with a Right.


My hands would have hit him with alot of force if he screwed up.


Well what he did was, as my straight left hand was coming,He would raise his left hand toward his left ear kinda,pushing my jab off to the left side of his head.........Now the right is coming as fast & as hard as I can throw it.............I'm gonna hurt this guy & everyone is gonna think I'm a big bully.


Well he's done with my left jab so now his left hand pushes my right to the right side of his face.


Dude dosen't move nuthin but his left hand the whole time.


So he ask's me to do it again........but faster !!!.......& faster !!! till I'm gettin tired of throwin 1,2's.


I couldn't hit the guy to save my life...........and all he was doin was standing right there & movin nuthin but his left hand.


But the really amazing was how light his touch was.It felt like greased ball bearings.............He'd deflect my punches & I'd barely feel it on my arms.Just a very light touch is all I felt.


Neat trick......give it a try some time :karate:

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