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ground-fighting vs. standing and stuff

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First of all,i think their equal in importance also. But , lets look at some things a bunch a people dont look at. A striker in UFC cannot grab groin,fishhook or eyepoke.Now all these things are to the strikers advantage. Most strikers will practice this stuff a lot more than the grapler will,therefore being able to act faster. Dont get me wrong,Ive studied grappling arts(my fav is bjj)and you def need them. I would still have to say it comes down to the person in a striker vs grappler match.





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I agree with you there G95. Striking can be better in a muiltiple attacker arena. Although, standing grappling can be very beneficial.


The last palce you want to be is on the floor in the muiltiple attacker situation. However if you have good floor grappling skills, you are more likely to be able to get back on your feet quicker.


Aikido for example, does'nt have throws so much as they have "projections". They dont get as much height as Judo throws, but you sort of bowl one of your attackers into a group of others. Well thats the idea. There is also the bonus that if you can control your attacker and use him as a shield to attack the others.


Having said that, there is nothing wrong with cracking one fella in the face and then moving onto the next. :lol:

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Yeah I would love to train in some Aikido however my problem with it is they do NO kicks and very few hand strikes.


Most karate styles I have been arround have a lot of redirection throws. Most are based off ot their turns.


IMO only a true Aikido master could come out a multi man attack unhurt without relying on strikes. A karate master who can strike and use a hand full of throws and locks IMO would stand much better odds in a multi attacker fight.


I guess the question we need to look at now is a stand up grappler vs a striker. This is a hard call because the striker still have the KO ability without fear of going down. However the stand up grapple wants him to strike hard and out of control so he can counter and throw or lock. So logic leads me to think this would be about 50/50.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Personally I prefer stand up,especially since I'm tall and it's what I do best,the fact that some people say grappling is better and all stand up fighters suck is simply not true.


If a stand up fighter hits someone hard enough or knows where to hit(such as upper cut)the grappler won't be able to fight any more cause he will have been knocked out cold,at same time if a grappler manages to throw or wrestle a stand up fighter to the ground before he is able to punch or kick anything then the stand up fighter will lose.


Both have their advantage.I prefer stand up though.I however know grappling as well because I take Pankration which is MuayThai Kickboxing combined with Submission Wrestling,so it helps alot.So I can definitely grapple too,but as far as competition is concerned I like to fight as a MuayThai Fighter.


The best fighters are the ones who know both stand up and grappling, this will make a person an all rounded fighter.


For this reason I'd say best styles are ones like Pankration,Shoot Fighting,and Savate and others that have both stand up and ground fighting.

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I agree as many of you have said, it would be best to have the knowledge of both stand up, and ground/grappling skills. For a few years we cross trained with a Jujitsu club and it was good stuff. but I wondered about a multi bad guy run in. It seemed to me I had a better chance trying to stay on my feet, But maybe I just could not "Empty my cup" enough! One of the other balckbelts at the Dojang was a high school and college wrestler. Short of bitting him, poking him in the eye, or breaking a finger off his hand, he would submit me everytime. When we stayed on our feet, we were even. He helped us all acknowlege the need to get some groundfighting skills.

"The more we change, the more we stay the same"

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