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When sparring or fighting in competitions what should your mind set be emotionally. I was wondering because when I'm sparring I'm generally blank emotionally but my opponents either look really angry or have fear in their eyes (I'm good at reading faces). My father who sometimes watches my classes says that I need to get emotional when I fight, that I need to get angry but I feel that this would cause me to lose some technique as I would e concentrating more on hitting them and not on how I'm hitting them. What are other peoples opinions on this.
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I believe the mind set of having no mind set is the best option, when you show to much emtionm you make mistakes, and mistakes can be costly. To quote former prime minister of Canada, Pierre Elloit Trudeau......"Reason over Emotion" :)

Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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I like to look angry, when I'm not. It can be intimidating to people - you can win a fight by the eyes.


However, showing no emotion after you've copped a crushing thigh kick is also very intimidating.

There are always two choices, two paths. One choice is easy and its only reward is it's easy.

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

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I tend to look - and be - rather unemotional when I'm sparring. My wife says I look like I'm doing a dance ... I don't know if that's good or bad, but I tend to do pretty well sparring.

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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IT's funny I am totally different in sparring than fighting Sparring I tend to smile a lot and even laugh it off if somebody lands a good shot on me I really focus on having fun and trying to stay relaxed so I can learn. BUT When I fight it's all about destruction. I try to execute my techniques very hard. And have gotten knockouts by kicks to the legs and knees to the body.

Rock Paper Scissor

Punch Knee Kick


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i'm similar to you whiteshark - i also tend to laugh it off if someone happens to land a good one on me. kind of like shaking your head and telling yourself not to get caught with that one next time! other than that, i don't show any emotion not that they can see much but me staring at the other person's chest from beneath my brows




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