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Hiya all. I just started Judo. I had an "informal" first class this passed saturday. My first real class is next saturday. I am a member of Niagara Judo Yudanshakai and the United States Judo Fed. Anyone else a member of one (or both) of these feds?


Anyways, I look forward to talking with other Judoka's Ok, now I go nurse me aching bones (from breakfalls).

Laurie F

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Congratulations :)


Good you finally started on Judo, you'll have fun.


Get ready for new bruises and soreness, in Judo and Grappling arts you'll train your muscles in a totally diferent way, so don't be scared if you feel strange things on your body the first couple of clases. :lol:


Kicking and punching someone isn't the same as grabbing and throw it..


Anyway, Just Have fun on it. :)

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Yea I am a white belt (SHHHHHH dont tell anyone) :lol:


As Venezolano said, Ne waza, is basically ground work. IMHO, a sign of a good Judo dojo, is lots of ground work. The Full on aspect, (one that I miss alittle in Aikido) does really benefit your perspective on how MA really work.


If I had the choice of taking a Mae geri (front kick) to the gut, OR a O Goshi (Major Hip throw), I would take the kick, the thought of falling OVER somones hip, only to then land on the small of my back on the pavement.......... NOT nice.


As for questions, ask away. I am sure that we will work though similar stuff like O Goshi, Kesa Katame (Scarf hold), O unchi Garuma (Major inner reap), Shime waza (CHOKES, MY FAV!) and the like.


One thing to watch out for, and thats Mat burns, esepcially in Ne Waza, I get them on the front of my feet. Because your always rolling about on the floor and trying to stay upright (no sexual pun intended).


Just a little story to end my post......


I was in Judo yesterday and Ne Wazaering (new verb :lol:) with my Sensei. And as I was in a particular bad situation i.e the mount and a rather painful looking choke just about to come on. I accidentally (it really was an accient) rammed my finger up my Sensei's nose, causing his nose to start bleeding. So I guess I got away lightly. AND people say Aikido does not work! PAH! :lol:

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I never had a problem with mat burns when I did Judo, though I lost skin from my knuckles when I started because of friction gripping a rough gi. Quickly developed callouses though.


Kicks versus throws....


A kick, you get hit by someone's leg which weighs (I guess) 5 to 10 kg.


A throw, you get hit by the earth coming up to meet you, which weighs 6 million million million million kg :)

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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