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When Korean Martial Arts and the Korean language was banned.

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Around 1909-1910 Japan took over the Korean Peninsula. Though popular belief says that the Japanese immediately banned the Korean Language from being spoken and Korean martial arts from being taught. This reasoning is false. Koreans were not allowed to speak their native tongue or learn their native martial arts starting in 1930. Though it wasn't through out the 1930's the korean arts and language was banned a period of roughly 10-12yrs.


One popular martial arts today called Taekwondo is shrouded in controversy. Some would say it came from one source of martial arts were others say it is a combination of many. Actually looking back at records it is a combination of many. Some of the original arts and some Chinese and Japanese martial arts mixed into it. Korean Martial arts like Tang Soo Do and Moo Doo Kwan claim to be original Korean Martial arts. Taekwondo in actuality was not formed by one individual. The martial art taekwondo in reality through written documantation with the list of names who helped the formation of taekwondo. Like all things though one man get the most credit for organizing Taekwondo to what it is today. As you read this you may notice that I do not mention names, that is because I hope the reader does some actual research him/her-self. By researching you can see various points of view and remember when researching you should always stay unbiased. Any ways as you read this as I said in the beginning it wasn't until 1930 when the korean martial arts and language were banned. A person may speculate thus that at least some or a good-bit of Korean Martial arts are indeed older than many people realize. I hope people when the read history realizes that most of what you read in history is specualtion ment to make the person think. I used Korean Martial arts as an example, but this can be applied to any martial arts or history lesson there are always two or more stories for one event. Some may read this and think it's all "gibberish", but than I did my research and made my speculation and drew a conclusion. I did not state what I thought on the matter because my opinions are my own, but I would be glad to state my own opinion on the matter if asked.

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I’m a bit confused and wished that you had named names, therefore I will make a few assumptions.


Firstly: “Taekwondo in actuality was not formed by one individual The martial art taekwondo in reality through written documantation with the list of names who helped the formation of taekwondo. Like all things though one man get the most credit for organizing Taekwondo to what it is today.”


I assume you are referring to General Choi (ITF Taekwon-Do) and yes I agree with your statement.


“Any ways as you read this as I said in the beginning it wasn't until 1930 when the korean martial arts and language were banned.”


I was lead to believe it was around 1936-7 just prior to the Second World War when these sanctions took place.


“A person may speculate thus that at least some or a good-bit of Korean Martial arts are indeed older than many people realize.”


WTF Tae Kwon Do refers to the fact that elements of TKD are thousands of years old making it a truly Korean martial art. General Choi has always stated that TKD was developed after the Second World War and was a new martial art (not entirely true as most of it was swiped from Karate).


Mixing ITF and WTF histories tends to be the trend these days as a way of invalidating the art.


I apologise if I have misread your post and made the wrong assumptions.



John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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Actually Chois assertion was that TKD was a mix of japanese arts and Tae Kyon...an older Korean art. That is false. There is a very good text that I have a copy of and will send to anyone via email about the formation of the original kwans and what led up to the origination of the official name of TKD being taken. As to WTF ITF it really doesnt matter. Those are just federations, they have different forms but a kick is still a kick. Oh, almost forgot to mention the name of the text...it's "A Modern History of Tae Kwon Do" by Kang Won Sik and Lee Kyong Myong.

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That is a very good reading that you mentioned. I have that particular report. It is one of the better reports out there that synch up with Korean History in general.

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Actually Chois assertion was that TKD was a mix of japanese arts and Tae Kyon...an older Korean art. That is false.


Where did you read that General Choi said that ITF Taekwon-Do was made up from japanese arts and Tae Kyon?

As to WTF ITF it really doesnt matter. Those are just federations, they have different forms but a kick is still a kick.


I agree a kick is still a kick, however ITF and WTF (KTA) parted ways in 1965 and developed their own respective style and direction in the martial arts community.

Oh, almost forgot to mention the name of the text...it's "A Modern History of Tae Kwon Do" by Kang Won Sik and Lee Kyong Myong.


I have read that article and found it informative with regard to the politics surrounding Korean martial arts.



John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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Actually I have an old copy of Choi's Taekwon-do that states it as do many of his other writings. If you dont know that Choi claimed it came from Tae Kyon and his Shotokan training then you need to do some research, as that was one of the main things that his detractors point out as being untrue.

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Choi claims that Karate and Taek Kyon were only used as references to his new martial art.


HISTORY OF TAEKWON-DO (http://www.itf-information.com/information15.htm)


On the other hand if we look at the claims WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) makes. Taekwondo has been used since B.C. 37 and are decended from Subak and Taekkyon.


The origin of Taekwondo (http://www.wtf.org/main.htm)


Both these histories are flawed at best, and as you have rightfully pointed out "A Modern History of Tae Kwon Do" by Kang Won Sik and Lee Kyong Myong. (http://www.bstkd.com/ROUGHHISTORY.HTM) is closer to the truth.


What is missing from this artical are the historical events of ITF since 1965, interesting reading if someone put pen to paper.



John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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