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I hate show offs

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I was sparring a guy recently while alot of others were watching, this guy is in to doing kicks straight up in the air, jump spinning kicks and punches, and get this guy near a wall he is bouncing off the wall like its mortal combat. A few lower ranks were oo's and ahh's at this guy while he eats it up. Did he hit me with any of these moves,no. Are they practical in a street fight,no. So why waste all that time and energy doing something other than effective moves. After I basicly handed him him own ass he shakes my hand and walks right toward the part of the crowd who was cheering him with a look on his face like he conqered the karate world. While the higher ranks were congradulating me he was relishing the attension of the newbies in the crowd who dont realize that he is really a joke who spends his time on flashy moves that are not effective against anyone over a orange belt and, he would rather look flashy and loose than not look flashy and win. He walks around later like he knows so much about the martial arts and acts like he deserves so much respect. Although when I see him I treat him with respect as I always try to do with any martial artist, deep down inside I just want to say, man your a joke, your karate is useless, your using the arts so you can get attension because your momma probly didnt pay enough attension to you as a child. But what really comes out is,high hows it goin(hand shake) because i was tought always be kind or take a bamboo stick to the dome. Ever meet a show boat like this?
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Perhaps he was just playing around enjoying himself. Not everyone takes their MA seriously some do it for a fun hobby or excercise. As long as he wasnt being offensive or demeaning to anyone else its no big deal. Some people are just more acrobatic than others. He could have just been working on those fun crazy techniques in the only place he could safely do them ......in class :D :D :D


"I am delighted to have you play football. I believe in rough, manly sports. But I do not believe in them if they degenerate into the sole end of any one's existence. I don't want you to sacrifice standing well in your studies to any over-athleticism; and I need not tell you that character counts for a great deal more than either intellect or body in winning success in life. Athletic proficiency is a mighty good servant, and like so many other good servants, a mighty bad master. "


-Theodore Roosevelt

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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I have to agree with shotochem...


Maybe he's just having fun... and enjoyin himself... maybe he doesn't want to follow the karate philosophy, and is no worried in what's effective or not... he just want to play around do some exercise...


I dunno... i don't think is right to judge people, if they're bein show offs, if they think that or that, we'll never know what really goes on on each persons mind, u have to worry bout yourself, on doing your thing, followin your way, after all, u can't expect everyone to have the same aspirations as you... just follow your way... :)

If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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Don't let pride get the better of you. You obviously take your training seriously, and expect the same standards from others. However, like has been said, not everyone is AS serious. Focus on your own development. Unless you crave the ooo's and ah's, then don't worry about him getting them. If you DO crave them, then it's partly your pride. As the lower ranks progress, they'll learn what's practical, and what's not.


A couple well placed sticks durring one of those fancy moves wouldn't hurt either. :wink:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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The way I see it, you came out on top of the exchange. Not only did you win the sparring match, but the higher ranks recognized that you take your training seriously and have some skill. If you have that respect, does it matter what the lower ranks think?
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If he won't learn the easy way he'll learn the hard way. He'd better hope he doesn't end up in a situation where he needs to defend himself.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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The way I see it, you came out on top of the exchange. Not only did you win the sparring match, but the higher ranks recognized that you take your training seriously and have some skill. If you have that respect, does it matter what the lower ranks think?
I just dont like the lower ranks getting brain washed by this fancy movie stuff. Part of my job in class is to help train the up and cummers and I dont like them thinking they can pull of a jump spinning tripple axle or whatever in a fight against a good street fighter. If they do go out and take a beating doing this I feel responsible for them even though I'm not the head or head assistant trainer. The thought has crossed my mind to embarass this fighter next time we spar but that would be too much of a vulger display of power, and I dont want to set a bad example in not using proper control. Then I would be the bad guy. It just annoys me. I will always be mature about this matter in person. Just thought I would think out loud in these forums too see what other martial artist think. I can appreciate a little flash durring a board breaking exibition or for entertainment purposes, but my school is for SELF DEFENCE.
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