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Why do W.T.F stylists use mostly their back leg in sparring?

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I have done a front leg side kick and broke someone's ribs in a self defense situation ;) I also broke his nose (or hit it hard enough to make it bleed) with a backfist.


Stold, yes you are right. WTF rules are getting weird. I went back to my Tang Soo Do dojang (when I visited back home), and they are getting better (unlike WTF TKD). Take-downs are now allowed during sparring (with higher ranks). It might be just that school, but I had a blast. I did take-downs on two of my old buddies :D ;)


Anyways, I wouldn't see that in TKD. But I do it in Judo.

Laurie F

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The trembling impact rules really cause a big difference in technique and application between tournament sparring and self-defense. I'm a traditionalist, and so don't much favor the "olympic" rules. I think it's a great form of competition and really helps improve overall conditioning, but I don't feel its productive in terms of learning self-defense or the "whole" of the art...


Because of trembling impact rules, kicks that are more slap-push like are favored. Points are sought which shift a person off-balance rather than have potential stopping power in application. It's not bad, just different.

Master Jason Powlette

5th Dan, Tang Soo Do

--Tang Soo!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

At our school, we practice doing takedowns as well when we get to higher lvls. Brown belt and above I think is when you can start applying takedowns and grapples. As for using the back leg for power etc etc... we mostly use the front leg as a setup for the backleg. The reason is obvious, more power in most situations, since you have a longer distance to get to your opp, your leg has more chance to generate energy as it hits your opp... where as teh front leg is kinda like a jab.. and the back is like a haymaker =). The best thing to do is train both legs and become powerful with both, that way, you can switch up what your side your fighting with during the fight and throw your opp off (do you guys fight with Hard stances.. or do you freely move around like Jeet Kune do fighters do? We move and bounce around and switch from being left handed fighters to right handed fighters back and forth constantly).


Most people, when they get kicked hard and move, is because they are moving from the pain. Rarely have I ever talked to someone who took a 2-3 step drop after being kicked, who said it was to powerful for them not to move. Usually they say it was becuase it was a strong kick and it hurt. lol. My instructor offers private lessons, in kempo body conditioning etc etc to make us tougher. Sounds crazy I know, but it really works. When i get hit, I can feel the kick, but i dont let it hurt.. so I dont try to step away from it =)


Nick D.

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Can I go off subject to ask a question? What does WTF stand for, because I'm used to the intrenet termonoly of it standing for *CENSORED*.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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It stands for "World Taekwondo Federation" :roll: ... The WTF was recognized by the IOC- International Olympic Committee, making its first Olympic debut in the year 2000 ...because the WTF puts so much emphasis on sparring, many people consider WTF as being more of a sport than an a traditional TKD such as ITF
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It stands for "World Taekwondo Federation" :roll: ... The WTF was recognized by the IOC- International Olympic Committee, making its first Olympic debut in the year 2000 ...because the WTF puts so much emphasis on sparring, many people consider WTF as being more of a sport than an a traditional TKD such as ITF

Alright thanks for clearing that up, btw do you think they will be televising it again in the '04 olympics?

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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With regard to sparring, I was told that in WTF sparing you had to physically move your opponent during a strike to score the point. I guess that’s why the back leg is favoured. I could be wrong. karatekid1975?


yeah, you do have to physically move the person to get a point. that is also why people kick to the head b/c that is the only sure point. :wink:



Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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I take WTF TKD, and yes it does seem like the back leg is used quite a lot. I think the reason for this is beacause it DOES have more power, is easier for a judge to see, as well it is somewhat easier to kick higher with you back leg, especially when in a low stance. I try to lead with my front leg all of the time beacause it is fast and can set me up for other kicks as well as using my front leg for push or side kicks.

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