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Tips on Kata


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I was wondering, how to improve my kime??? And how do I know when it's good?


Do you make breathing noises like :"shhhhhh"


I went on a championship and there was guys doing that, every move they did every block, every punch, every kick there was a "SHHHHHHHHH"


I thought that was weird... I was just wondering if that has a real meaning, if it helps...

If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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No Shhhhh, Shhhhh.. i friend of mine lose a competition by doing those sounds... Keep your breating normal and a Good Kiai when the Kata demands i more than enough.


Focus, Focus... do your Kata really concentrated...


Use your head.. if you are going to move to the right.. move your head first and then do the technique.


Do every kata many times, practices make perfect.

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Know your kata thoroughly. Practice until you can do it with your eyes closed. Every turn is always eyes first then feet then hands. Work on letting the movements flow together. Do a kata over and over and over. Do it a few thousand times. Always try to do the best stance, the strongest blocks and the fastest punches and hand techniques you can. Then one day things will click. You will begin to get a special feeling. Then you are beginning to learn the kata.
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There's a difference between tournament kata and traditional kata performance. Traditionally, your breathing will sound, often forcibly, as you tighten your abs, generate the power and are mentally really into it as if in combat. In tournaments though, you are more into pleasing the judges and there are even books and videos to guide you in that.


And as already pointed out, repetitions make good! 50-100 reps a day for a year or two and you got some decent technique.

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Do you make breathing noises like :"shhhhhh"


... I was just wondering if that has a real meaning, if it helps...


There are two type of breathing that are normally used in the martial arts when performing kata. There is the breathing is done at the execution of blocks, kicks, and punches and the slow breathing usually done when moving from one position to the next or when there is a pause in the kata.


By practicing proper breathing, you will be able to keep mentally composed throughout your kata. Correct breathing will enhance your mental and physical endurance as well as your concentration.


Kiai-ing, on the other hand, is a muscle tightening yell that adds power to a technique and is used in several locations in a kata. A good guideline on when and where to use a kiai in a kata is at the opening move and at the finishing move in the kata.... this is a guideline and not the rule. In more advanced kata's there may be additional kiai's.


Many of those students may also have been performing "sanchin" breathing techniques that is not taught at all dojos.... a release of several short bursts of air.

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I dunno... i breathe when I do katas and stuff... but the silent way... i've never seen people doing so much noise doing katas... that scared me out!


Thank god that's not a "normal" or "expeciall" thing on kata...

If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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Thank god that's not a "normal" or "expeciall" thing on kata...


It is normal in many traditional katas. It is also normal that when Americans modify the katas or create new katas, they tend to leave the breathing side out, because they don't understand the how and why of it.

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As an added thought often when someone is concentrating on their kata and working on making the techniques hard, fast and powerful they will exhale very forcefully during the execution of the move. This can sometimes get very noisy.
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A lot of people in my school do a "Tsss" noise (my mom calls it the leaky radiator noise). I picked it up when I was a green belt, because someone told me it was to improve breathing during the kata. WRONG! On two seperate days, I did nine kata in a row--one day with the "Tss" and one day without. All the "Tss" did was make me breathe less! I felt like passing out and could not perform to my full abilities. However when I left the noise out, I found that I could breathe fairly normal, with only a slight increase in breath rate. The occasional kiai helped to forcefully exhale and get fresh breath.


I don't mind the sound of the "Tss", it's when people begin to snort that bothers me. It's like they're trying to blow their nose but they have a sudden lack of Kleenex.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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