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Hi... I've been trying so hard to find Shitoryu versions of Rohai, Anan ( not ananku), Kururunfa and Suparipei...


if you guys know any site where I could dl the katas would be very helpfull...


I didn't know It was so hard to find anything about shitoryu on the net...


it really impressed me....


could be Goju ryu style too... it's almost the same..



If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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The name for Shi-to ryu gets censored because the auto censor programing just sees the 4 letter s word which is a no-no.


As for looking for Rohai some shi-to ryu groups do Matsumara rohai and Itosu Shodan, Nidan and Sandan. There is a lot of differences of opinion on wether or not the Itosu Rohai's are versions of Matsumura rohai broken down into three katas the way that Itosu broke down the Naihanchi katas into three separate katas from one.

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I to am a Shi-to ryu stylist and have found no sites with mpegs or any other form of recording of the kata on the net . However most of the naha (gojo) kata look almost the same . To me Rohai is the most gracefull kata of them all very elagent .

Karate is not a sport , it is a way of life .

Sandan Motobu ha Shi-to ryu karate

Katsu ryu kempo

Ryukyu kobudo

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YOI: Hands are held palms open facing inward at same height as regular yoi.




1. Slowly raise hands to chest level maintaining parallel position. Do not


move feet.


2. Focusing toward hidari step with right foot into kokutsu dachi. Windshield


wiper type movement with hands. Left hand goes to right side next to knee


in a horizontal shuto block. Left shuto goes across chest palm up.


3. Changing focus to migi, pivot feet into kokutsu dachi / (L) shuto strike.


Right fist goes to side.


4. Slide step, maintaining kokutsu dachi, cross body punch with right fist.


5. Bring right foot up to left into heisoku dachi. Bring fists to side in a slow seppuku type






6. Step once toward shomen with left foot. Step toward front right corner


once with right foot. Step toward corner with ball of left foot touching


ground briefly. Immediately step back with left foot, then raise right foot


behind left knee into crane stance. Left hand blocks at head level with open palm facing out. Right hand goes down into a horizontal shuto block in front of knee.


7. Continuing toward right front corner step, (L) zenkutsu dachi. Open left


palm in a reinforced side block position against right arm. Immediately reach out with right hand in a grab and pull it back in maintaining reinforced side block.


8. Step ® zenkutsu dachi / double punch L-R.




9. Step back with left foot pivoting toward front left corner. Bring right foot


behind left knee in crane stance. Left palm out head block – ® horizontal


shuto down block by right knee.


10. Continuing toward front left corner step ® zenkutsu dachi. Open palm


in reinforced side block. Immediately reach out grab, and pull hand back


in maintaining reinforced block position.


11. Step (L) zenkutsu dachi / double punch L-R.






12. a)Raise right foot to left knee while blocking to left side with horizontal shuto


down block. ****KIAI***


b)And immediately land right foot in shiko dachi (facing shomen) while


punching straight down with right fist.




13. Focusing toward shomen step back with left foot. Raise right foot into


crane stance. Right hand in low horizontal block. Left hand in high palm


out block in front of fore head.


14. Step toward shomen into ® zenkutsu dachi. Reinforced open handed


side block. Immediately grab and pull hand back maintaining reinforced


blocking position.


15. Step (L) zenkutsu dachi / double punch L-R.


16. Pull left fist to side, right fist back across abdomen horizontally and to


side is seppuku type movement. Step forward in a deep ® zenkutsu dachi.


Bringing both hands (palms open) forward to opponents knee level


In a grab to off balance them. (right hand is on top)


17. Bring right foot back to musabi dachi touching heels and immediately


step towards shomen (L) zenkutsu dachi / double palm heel strike 1.


(bottom hand matches front leg)


18. Step back, into musabi. Touch heels, step ® zenkutsu dachi / double palm


heel strike 2.


19. Step back into musabi, touch heels, step (L) zenkutsu dachi / double palm heel


strike 3.


20. Pivot into (L) kokutsu dachi / (L) shuto block. Right fist at side.


21. Maintaining stance slowly twist left wrist so fingers point forward.


22. Right crescent kick into left palm pivoting around 360 degrees on left


foot. Land right foot. Pivoting on right foot step around 180 degrees ccw


into (L) kokutsu dachi(facing shomen)/ (L)shuto block ® shuto across




23. Step back with right foot into (L) kokutsu dachi/( L)shuto block 2 –


® shuto across chest.


YOI with palms open and parallel as in beginning of kata.



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