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I have never done any martial arts although I have always wished to do so.. i am 18 now and im wondering if im too old to start now. Also there is an aikido class going on at my college and I was wondering if it is a good one to start with or if id get pommeled. I may not be able to attend due to work and classes right now but definately thinking about it.. thanks!
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Its never too late ta do MA. most of the guy's in my aikido dojo are older then you. And no, you wont get pommelled! the people should be friendly there! if by any chance it does happen, then you quite and tell them to "F**k OFF!", lol. But n e way i strongly suggest you have a go at Aikido. then decide if its worth going to after a few lessons. :))

"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole body and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.''-Einstein

thanks good to know I wun be pommeled hehe. I was also wondering should I not be able to join due to my schedule if anyone knew any good video programs or something.. thers no real dojos or whatever u guys all go to around here.. this is just a college kinda extra curricular thing.. Id like to get prepared best I could when i move to a bigger city that will actually have one..

Your never to old to start Aikido.


No you wont get "pommeled" or atleast you should'nt. :)


Go with an open mind and a willness to learn.

  Kensai said:
Your never to old to start Aikido.


No you wont get "pommeled" or atleast you should'nt. :)


Go with an open mind and a willness to learn.


Yep that's 2 true


there is a old guy of 75 years that started Aikido in the Dojo that I Study...he's one BIG example off will and open mind...he have dedicated a lot...much that he reach the purple belt in no time.


Aikido is an style that isn't a martiam arts itself...is a Life Philosoph, they tech u how to live in a good way, knowing ur body and learn about it, the trainement is a way to u have a body domain and a mind control to know yourself in these days

"Aquele que está preparado para qualquer evento,jamais usará sua espada com precipitação"-O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba

"Ao ensinar lembre-se que os grandes segredos estão contidos nas técnicas básicas" -O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba


You're definately not too old!


I just started karate a few months ago when I'd just turned 17, and I'm now 17 and a half and hope to take up Aikido soon.


Go for it. You've got absolutely nothing to lose, and if the people in the aikido club "beat you up" then its probably a crap club anyway, and you'd be better looking for another one elsewhere.


Good Luck! :D

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.


Well for training video's and that i suggest you search in google or something. and also checkout https://www.aikiweb.com, and https://www.amazon.com. and here is one that i reckon is quite good. http://www.martial.com.au/aikido/field6.html, its a video series on the iwama style of aikido. Hope that helps. :))



"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole body and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.''-Einstein

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