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So what do you guys think? Silat is an offshoot of Chinese Arts or a "Sister" Art of Chinese Martial Arts?


IMO, I think with the Indian influences in both China and Indonesia I think Arts like Pukulan Silat developed alongside Arts like Wing Chun.

I own you.

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  magikchiongson said:
Pukulan Silat developed alongside Arts like Wing Chun.


Pukulan Silat's founder is still alive... ;)


Okay, you meant Silat in a more general way, but I just couldn't resist! :D


How do you define "along side"? Most Silats were tribal, most Kung-fu were within the borders of China. Some arts were in areas with high trade, and would have had a lot of exposure to Chinese influences, some were in isolated backwaters. Some have direct Chinese liniages, some have none.


Take a look at good, fighting from all-fours Harimau sometime and tell me how mch you think it resembles WC.

  JerryLove said:
How do you define "along side"? Most Silats were tribal, most Kung-fu were within the borders of China. Some arts were in areas with high trade, and would have had a lot of exposure to Chinese influences, some were in isolated backwaters. Some have direct Chinese liniages, some have none.


Take a look at good, fighting from all-fours Harimau sometime and tell me how mch you think it resembles WC.


I'm talking more about how China Developed its Martial Arts and how Indonesia Developed their fighting arts. Although Chinese Influence is obvious in some Silat styles, I think the Indonesian Arts developed on their own well before Chinese Merchants traveled into Indonesia. I also think that rather, than the Chinese directly influincing things like horse stances in some Silat Styles, I think it was already there.


I simply state that, because I've heard several Southern Kung Fu practioners claiming that Silat is an offspring of Wing Chun Kung Fu.

I own you.


I agree with you. And the claim that the 1500 or so styles of Silat spring from Wing-Chung is rediculious. WC is no where near old enough for a caategory that equates to "any combative system native to indonesia".


I wouls say that you and I agree. There are similarities, there are differences. Sometimes a similarity is something the Chinese did that the indonesian's incorporated; somtimes it's something the inodnesians did that te chinese incorporated; sometimes they both got it from somewhere else, and sometimes it's simply parallel development.

  • 3 weeks later...

To my knowledge, Kali actually gets its origin from India...(then of course migrated thru Indo-China, and made its way to the Phillipines. ;-)



  Kirves said:
Kali, Escrima and Arnis are all Filipino styles. They all have substyles also. What is common is this:


When they were used in real battlefields, they had to produce good fighters fast. That is a reason why weapons are taught early on, as the student might be dead in a year. The people were poor, so the weapon of choice was a rattan stick (grew everywhere). Blade was used when one got his hands on one.


These are very "concept" based arts. Instead of teaching "tech A, tech B, ..." they teach attack angles and possible counter angles. Then it doesn't matter what the attack is, as long as you know what angle it is coming from. Also, the improvisation of weapons is a high priority. Use a stick, umbrella, broom, shoe, belt, whatever to give yourself some reach, before resorting to bare hands. Tehcniques remain the same in any case.


PS. There are some concepts that modify your techniques for the weapon you are using, like if there's a blade, you can also cut, or if the weapon is bendable (chain, belt, cord, whip) you have some other options. But generally the basics remain the same.


You can run....

...but why die tired?


Some of us do, my friend.


It is thru mutural respect of eachother's choice where we gain the most knowledge. When we agree to disagree, it takes more humility and honor than to simply say the other is wrong.


(just a little life lesson from someone who learned the hard way.)

  TigerKorea said:
we don't care about those arts!!!


You can run....

...but why die tired?


I'll have to go back several years and check my files as the the exact origins, but I assure you, India is accurate....how else do you explain the name...Kali was the wife of Shiva, the Destroyer......I think that's very relivent to the entomology of the art's name. I'll get back to you on that, as to where it's referenced...but have faith, it's true. ;-)



  JerryLove said:
To my knowledge, Kali actually gets its origin from India...(then of course migrated thru Indo-China, and made its way to the Phillipines.
So in what part of India can I see indian kali?


You can run....

...but why die tired?

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