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First Hap Ki Do class in two days...

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I was fortunate to find a dojang in my town that teaches traditional Hap Ki Do exclusively.


My previous MA experience includes getting my yellow belt in tae kwon do when I was 12 (am now 25), ever since I lost interest in that I've wanted to get back into martial arts. So recently I signed up for judo classes through the local community center. Unfortunately it was being taught entirely as a sport which didn't really interest me at all.


I'm wanting to get back into martial arts for the fitness aspect of it, but also the self-discipline and mental aspect of it appeals to me. From what I've read about Hap Ki Do, it appears to have that. I talked to the instructor on the phone and she said that basically you start out learning breathing and meditation techniques.


I'm just wondering what I can expect for the first class. Fortunately this dojang offers two free classes to see if you like it. Also will anything I learned from TKD transfer over to Hap Ki Do? It's been a while, but I still remember most of the basic kicks.

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In Hapkido we have all the same kicks as TKD and more. A traditional HKD school doesn't snap their kicks though. As for what to expect, well that is all dependant on the school and instructor. You should like it though.

2nd Dan Hap Ki Do: What we do in life echos for an eternity!

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That's great! Enjoy it! Like H@pkid0ist said, what you learn depends on your teacher and her background. In general, you'll probably be in for... warm-ups and calisthenics, basic striking and kicking, rolling and breakfalling, ki development and a whoooole lot of self defence work!


Let us know how goes.


Take care. :)

Chris LaCava

Jung Ki Kwan of Connecticut

"Man is born soft and supple,

in death he is hard and rigid..." LaoTzu

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Just got back from class. Unfortunately it was a shortened one. The instructor cut class short because the roads are icy and it's supposed to get really cold tonight. So I didn't really get the "full experience".


I learned a couple of wrist escapes. I'm sure they have real names, but I don't know what they are. Then I did a couple of kicks, groin kick and side kick. I don't think I actually broke a sweat all night.


Oh well, I'll be back Monday night and hopefully get more of a workout. The instructor was very personable, and there was a wide variety of belts there. Tonight was an open class and there were kids there. I didn't really like that (I'm a teacher and around kids all day. ;) ). But I think normally they won't be there.


Overall I'm excited to be learning something new. I wish I didn't have to wait four days until the next class. :lol:

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