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Promoting ones self to the next belt?

Himokiri Karate

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I do tend to agree with other posters here that there tends to be a negative stigma associated with self-promotion. Another option he could have considered was speaking with different organizations about his predicament, and see if he could seek a promotion through said organization, if they deemed it appropriate.

But even that option tends to open up some more negative stigma, such as why he had to switch organizations, did he just pay another organization to promote him, etc. There is no good answer here, it seems.

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I do tend to agree with other posters here that there tends to be a negative stigma associated with self-promotion. Another option he could have considered was speaking with different organizations about his predicament, and see if he could seek a promotion through said organization, if they deemed it appropriate.

But even that option tends to open up some more negative stigma, such as why he had to switch organizations, did he just pay another organization to promote him, etc. There is no good answer here, it seems.

My personal dilemma here:

Besides boxing, I have always been very fond of karate ( also kung fu exercises) in terms of technique and combat application as well as it blends well with certain aspects of boxing.

To that end, I sought karate/kickboxing hybrids because I wanted to learn the traditional techniques of karate but also to know that my teachers understand or enjoyed boxing technique. Hence karate/kickboxing. Long story short, in my town, all these guys retired from teaching because MMA/Muay Thai came in and took over. Now everything is Brazilian jujitsu and thai kickboxing which is fine but its not my style, not my tradition.

I returned to boxing but really became fond of Korean Karate aka Tang Soo Do which few decades ago, they renamed it to Taekwondo as I researched the history to separate themselves from the Japanese and to have their own national identity.

So me in current time:

I have decided to take the skill that I have and attain a rank in Taekwondo with the karate and boxing skills that I possess. Realistically, I can teach boxing but the nature of boxing culture is dog eat dog world while I want to make sure all the students do well learning technique, physical conditioning and a sense of renewed spirit. A place of technical and physical mastery if you will. Karate offers so much amazing benefits and it really allows students to nurture their spirit and I feel like its important to have a belt just to be able to call myself a teacher at the very least.

With that being said, self promotion is unacceptable to me. Changing organization is fine but self promotion is completely mad logic since martial arts is a human business and at least let someone "bless" you with a new belt.

It begins with the knowledge that the severity of a strikes impact is amplified by a smaller surface area.

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Imho, rank should never ever be for sale, no matter the reason(s), no matter who. That act robs the integrity that seems to be hanging on by the most thinnest thread of honor. The summation of "why" is to the summation of "because".


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Imho, rank should never ever be for sale, no matter the reason(s), no matter who. That act robs the integrity that seems to be hanging on by the most thinnest thread of honor. The summation of "why" is to the summation of "because".


I agree. Then my next testing wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg.
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Imho, rank should never ever be for sale, no matter the reason(s), no matter who. That act robs the integrity that seems to be hanging on by the most thinnest thread of honor. The summation of "why" is to the summation of "because".


See your not wrong in essence but sad truth is, it is for sale whether its wrong or right.

Martial arts is a billion dollar industry and people want to "buy" their way to confidence and personal power. These industries that spawn organization understand this psychology and look towards capitalizing it by creating ranks which leads to goals and hierarchy so that folks who lack purpose and belonging can look towards reaching a rank in order to find their own identity.

Few years back, I was taking a course on being a personal trainer. When I went in I went in expecting to learn proper grips, positioning and form for proper execution of various free weight exercises. But then, reality kicked in...HARD!

Instead of learning proper form and mechanics of deadlifts and squats. I learned that personal training is about capturing clients who are lonely and insecure. You are there to be their pseudo friend/therapist. Best trainers that make six figures are folks who are charismatic and socially well versed and great at being an extrovert. This was in 2015 and I decided to discontinue the program because at the time I could not be a cheerleader and not know how to teach correct forms in weight lifting. Never the less, it was a reality check that as unfair and unjust as it is, having some certification does and is something that people look as impressive and it carries weight.

Now the whole thing was eye opening, for martial artist, if they have a title or a rank, it does work in a business sense. Hence my two latest threads revolves around the correct criteria of being qualified to teach because unlike 2015 I have gained skill in teaching and teaching I believe is a skill itself that requires an exertion in effort and character trait in patience, honesty and importantly knowledge of passing respectable material that is fulfilling and high in quality that the students can derive true value from it from all direction and dimension. This is the core of martial arts regardless of style. Never the less, I also carry with me the wisdom that I was exposed which is charisma, psychology and having a hierarchy does play a factor in winning the "business" aspect of martial arts and just like war, its fought on different fronts.

As the infamous words of George Estabrooks "War is a grim business"

It begins with the knowledge that the severity of a strikes impact is amplified by a smaller surface area.

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Yes, rank is for sale worldwide in one way or another; business 101. Having said that, it's dead wrong for anyone to sell any rank that throws ones integrity into the trash for the sake of profit. I've owned and operated my dojo for a very long time, and while my dojo IS a business, and any business must meet and exceed its monthly obligations, and earning a profit is the name of the business game, I've never sold my integrity and any rank; no business is worth selling ones integrity for anything.

I'd close my dojo first super duper fast, and find me something else to do...like feed the ducks at the cities park pond.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Yes, rank is for sale worldwide in one way or another; business 101. Having said that, it's dead wrong for anyone to sell any rank that throws ones integrity into the trash for the sake of profit. I've owned and operated my dojo for a very long time, and while my dojo IS a business, and any business must meet and exceed its monthly obligations, and earning a profit is the name of the business game, I've never sold my integrity and any rank; no business is worth selling ones integrity for anything.

I'd close my dojo first super duper fast, and find me something else to do...like feed the ducks at the cities park pond.


Yesterday I had an incident of sorts that kind of has me shook up. The thread was made few days ago but this incident completely extinguished any interest I have in a rank or belt and it did so completely.

At the end of the day, I train in boxing but my martial arts style is karate/Tang Soo Do and Kung Fu mix. Karate means Chinese Hand, Tang Soo Do means The way of the Chinese hand and my kung Fu revolves around conditioning the body and stance training.

Right now, I want to fight and regardless if I win, I want to show spirit and aggression because I am pretty shaken up right now. I also want to make sure I am generating maximum power and my feet are gripped strong on the floor and that I can punch and defend a tackle or a takedown of sorts.

Its amazing, my perspective changed 100 percent yesterday morning. Today I was at a secluded area in the park practicing horse stance and some of the yoga/pranayama breaths to calm my self down. I found my self making eye contact and saying hello to people with supreme confidence just to assure myself the incident that happened so fast is not going to deter me and take my power away.

So just like that, attaining of belt became completely meaningless. I also realized the importance of palm strike and the accuracy it has and its more natural thing to perform under stress. In turn, my focus is to study the classical style of MMA known as shootfighting which is palm strike based fighting.

I plan on teaching but I have to strategize. I plan on starting my students out with boxing foundation and the tons of yoga and kung fu exercises for balance and stability. Originally I wanted to teach Korean Karate ( Tang Soo Do with a twist) and hence I was looking for rank through Taekwondo but that is no longer the case. I am planning to do the private session with them but I have no desire for belts any more. Just a curiosity in difference between Tang Soo Do and Taekwondo.

Amazing how one incident shook me up and changed my plans.

It begins with the knowledge that the severity of a strikes impact is amplified by a smaller surface area.

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Not one single time ever did my rank show up to protect me; I, and I alone showed up to protect my loved ones, friends, innocents, and myself without any resolve. Me. myself, and I; not my rank and not my title...just me and that which us within me that's clothed with knowledge and experience. Rank has no bearing, just myself and what I bring to the fight.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Few years back, I was taking a course on being a personal trainer. When I went in I went in expecting to learn proper grips, positioning and form for proper execution of various free weight exercises. But then, reality kicked in...HARD!

Instead of learning proper form and mechanics of deadlifts and squats. I learned that personal training is about capturing clients who are lonely and insecure. You are there to be their pseudo friend/therapist. Best trainers that make six figures are folks who are charismatic and socially well versed and great at being an extrovert. This was in 2015 and I decided to discontinue the program because at the time I could not be a cheerleader and not know how to teach correct forms in weight lifting. Never the less, it was a reality check that as unfair and unjust as it is, having some certification does and is something that people look as impressive and it carries weight.

A bit off topic, but if you are still interested in pursuing a legitimate certification in strength training, you should check out the Starting Strength Coach Certification. It sounds exactly like what you were looking for. Now, it's not an easy certification to obtain by any stretch, but it would be well worth your time.

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Why stop at promoting oneself .... why not invent a whole new grade for yourself ?

Master Ken created the 11th Dan ..... which he holds .

" By the authority vested in me as the creator of and 11th-degree black belt in the most dangerous martial art in the world — Ameri-Do-Te — I hereby demote you to white belt."

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