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I got my first belt!


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I'm so chuffed! I passed my 9th Kyu. Not exactly difficult, I know, but I'm really shy and was dreading doing it and now its done and I'm so happy.


Both my instructors were being really nice to me and I'm sooooo happy! :brow: :karate:

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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Congratulations! They say that your toughest belt tests are your White Belt and first Black Belt tests. Congrats again!


Yeah, I thought my first test would be the worst too because then in tests after that I can always reassure myself by saying, "You've done this before. Just focus and you'll be fine."


I must admit though, I wasn't even half as nervous as I expected to be.


I think I would have been worse if my sensei hadn't came over to me before the test and asked how I felt, then he gave me some words of encouragement and just reassured me that I'd be fine. He's quite a scary guy and so this made me realise that he was human after all, not some devine entity.


I was actually more nervous about one of the instructors watching the test than I was the sensei because the instructor who watched has basically taught me everything I know and is the one who always helps me out if I'm a little confused so I didn't want to let him down or anything.

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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Congrats on your promotion! It sounds like you have a good Sensei. It is good that he made you feel at ease, that's very important for instructors to do that. No life and death stuff, just go out and do what you know and have trained to do. Once in Martial Arts you become part of a large family with a great supporting cast. Welcome to the family!


Congrats once again on your achievement.



"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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You probably wouldn't get tested unless you deserved the belt already.


The thought that keeps me from being nervous during belt tests is the realization that if I deserve the belt I'll have it and if I don't deserve the belt yet I wouldn't want to wear it anyway. Takes all the pressure and uncertainty away. Maybe it will help someone else too.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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http://www.jamezbrown.com/mysmilies/otn/party/party.gif Congrats! Here's to many more

"Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make" -Bruce Leehttp://www.myvidtodvd.com/mysmilies/otn/other/leseratte.gif

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