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Twelve 2Hr Lessons In Martial Arts

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Here are Twelve 2Hr lessons in martial arts that I teach.

Happy to elaborate on any one of them if requested.

They are a mix from many martial art systems therefore don't be surprised if they seem to be unfamiliar to you;.

Your feedback and participation should hopefully spark some interesting topics worthwhile considering and to incorporate hopfully in to your own practice sessions.

In growing together through understanding and appreciating each others differences

In doing so becoming even more effective maists.

Tap v Snap sport v reality

TV scene change, then move, exercise

Hip momentum v shoulder swinging, stay balanced

Action Beats Reaction

Lambagini v Steamroller, one slow one fast both can kill

Flinch v Watching Stunning & Tension light touch vs heavy

Kim vs Tom JKD

Momentum Sil lum Tau or the lack of

Flank strategies

Pad Work Is Defence Training

Using Touch in realty practice Palm over Fist


Over Reaching or leaning causes lack of balance, move closer instead

Over Stepping, causes lack of balance and stability, use smaller steps

Dragging Weapons, keep it together, don't let things lag

Moving or Stationary don't be a target be a weapon

Don't lose sight of your hands, use peripheral vision


Making A Proper Fist, clenching, sliding, rolling fingers

Picking Apples, bring hand back to starting position after striking

Blind Side, keep away from rear power hand

Keeping Balance & Structure with hips and sinking

Angling is Posing & Creating angles

Bug & Nose Squishing when striking

Flat Fist Punching, street fighting

Sand Castle Effect disrupt the opponent's plans

Double Hip, can combine defence and offence

Bearknukle Shifting Footwork

Pointing Weapons at target, hands and feet

Be weapon not target

Lesson 2

Lazy hands, punch oneself, stiff hands get pushed back

Maintaining True Boxer Stance

Contact push block hit, horizontal up and down

Fists in line with shoulders, lower the chin to match

Flick the elbows faster punches

Hook or Roll finish jab jab jab

Punch by #s with playing cards1 to 8

Using fakes shoulder hands knee elbow head stepping

Circling the blind side

Getting pulled out of the true boxer stance, loses balance

Small pivots big pivots depends on opponent

Maintaining proper distance

Front leg combos or rear leg instead of swinging left & right

Steel sharpens steel diamonds cut diamonds

Lesson 3

Don't keep hands up in a totally defensive mode

Boxer & Grappler doing the same practice makes perfect

Small hinges move big doors

Taking The Centre Line Left Right Centre

Move correctly not anything else

When hitting B first B last B gone

Entering Infighting Exiting

Attacking Or Controlling Opponents Balance and Structure

Lines of attack and defence

No fake fighting

Invisible techniques

Shadow boxing & Shadow defending

Countering vs defending?

Drills makes skills that kills

Punch with venom

Form creates power

One move is half of the next

Always Move for the Advantage

Every movement is made to one's own advantage

Fill gaps with strikes

Stop Struggling Start Dominating

Point of origin striking

A good offence cannot be countered only defended

52 Blocks variety

Windshield wiper transition blocks

Safe n Sound defence practice Shadow box without punching

One hand home one hand out

Chained in practice Unchained in fight


Raise the bridge

Tap back of head

Tap the elbow

Brush the shoulder

The bird

Skull and Crossbones

The crown

Stack the deck

Clap the hands


Down town

Lesson 4

Catch Bullets

The Bird variations

Philly Shell

Shoe Shine



Windshield wipers

Bank robber

Chop Blocks variations

Slapping Parrying variations

Flicking Fists Backhands variations

Clap hands

Closed door covering

Open door covering

Peek a Boo

Temple Triangle, Muay Thai


Close Sash Window

Open Sash Window

B Touched & Strike

Touch opponent & Strike

Defending Touch Self & Strike

Trap & strike

Home made hanging Speed Bag: hammer/backfist/full knuckles

Home made hanging Focus and Timing tennis ball/hit & move

Half man jab, side on, stretching out

Full facing jab, close in fighting

True boxing stance, where all punches and kicks can be used

Attacking or Defending weighted one leg principle

Attacking usually weighted front leg

Defending usually weighted rear leg

Attacking or Defending using both legs

Punching horizontal bars on different levels

JKD Punching combinations: double & triple

Head & Tale of Snake/fist & elbow

Lesson 5

Thrive in discomfort

Get out of your own comfort zone and disrupt his

With all card tricks the hand is quicker than the eye

Feet before Fists

Stay loose & ready

Attacking Intercepting Evading

Be Touched & Strike

Touch opponent & Strike

Defending Touch Self First & Strike

Trap & Strike

Direct Leaking Attacks No Touch

Chop Blocks variations

Slapping Parrying variations

Flicking Fists Backhands variations

Realistic Neutral Hands & karate blocks variations

Trapping variations

Pivot L R front foot

Pivot L R rear foot

Stepping F B L R

Stepping off Angles

Circling Facing Stepping

Stepping Walking F B

Skipping F B L R

Jumping F B L R

Step n drag

Ali Shuffle

Back Peddling

Pressure fighter makes the opponent uncomfortable keep doing it. psychological pressure without doing anything, when it is time, do it for real.

Slipping Sliding/Hippy Jerky/Come in low/Inching close/Far away probing/Close but out of range/lots of fakes/none stop punches/powerful punches/slow explode/always counter no matter what/

Five moves method practice, striking back from awkward position

Knockout the radar, slap to the ear, two punch then use a hard slap

Versatile boxing is where it is at, learn from everyone

Avancee, Attack starts quickly to the nearest target hand box or knife

Lesson 6

Newton's Cradle

Egg Timer

In The Bin

Snow Flake

Grinding Machine

Jet Lag

Butterfly Effect

90 180 360

Fairies and Gorillas




Internal focus vs external focus

Internal defence vs external defence

Internal muscular contraction tension awareness

External musculal relaxation extension awareness

Using the power of Intent and awareness, with focus being expressed internally or externally with contraction or relaxation in movement.

There is a middle neutral ground starting point, being slightly relaxed and tense but ready.

As Yin/Yang bo

Where defence and offence, could be better achieved by using tension or relaxation, depending on the circumstances.

Lesson 7

5 elements wing chun

Wood = Straight Limbs

Fire = Tips Change

Metal = Heavy Compact

Water = Flow Softness

Earth = Supporting/Gravity

Mountain/Rock = Momentum

Thunder  = Power

Lightning = Speed

Lake = Stillness/Reflection/Mirroring









Lesson 8

Skip step Reset. L down R across L up

Open door & go in lap da

Faster Punch from the chin

Faster think faster, clap hands 1 2

Faster punches use momentum of footwork with hands

Faster punches by under commiting them

Faster combos with a little less power

Faster, Shorten up punches

Faster punches relax upper body

Faster arm naturally swings like when running

Elbow in when doing a stiff jab

Choking the jab with a mit, Stopping full extension

Shotgun sounding jab

Pouring water out of cup jab elbow

Slipping from Head /Waist/Legs

Peek a boo slipping using straight punches

Lesson 9

Fulcrum attack, Defanging the snake, limb destruction

Slow down play the pauses with music and boxing

Front and rear foot importance attack and defence

Pivot falling not leaning and actually move the foot

45 toe to heel boxing stance

Spears and axes tall and small fighters

Philly Shell, lead with shoulder, line up pointing with shoulder

Philly coffin no posing

Fight all possible battles in your mind first, then will never b surprised

Reciprocal inhibition stretching using opposite muscles

Diving vs Driving when walking or sparring

Consistency beats intensity, over estimating and underestimating

Wherby expecting quick results that take time to achieve.

Feelings vs Facts, expect to get hit but keep going

Glove Gate dirty boxing

Dont move on defence but move on attack this maintains distance when training

Bouncing v Sitting when striking

Staying still keeping balance

Sticks & fists generating power

Techniques Principle Concepts elbow down, beautiful gift

Steam train engine

Timing with beats v broken rythem

Out In to deep water stamina

Lesson 10

Wax on n off

Onion Learning in layers

5 Ways Of Attack: SDA.ABC.ABD.PIA.HIA

Single direct, by combination by drawing progressive indirect, hand immobolization

5 Lines Of Defence: hands elbows feet shoulder head plus attitude

5 Attack Elements: Intention Preparation Delivery Completion Recovery

Wip v Stick

String Theory keeping proper distance

Reference Points

Double weightedness

Pressure Testing

Wedge Principles

Yin Yang neutral


Shotgun Dispersing Effect vs Triangulating

Focus Pads theory Body Absorb Taking A Hit

Vertical Horizontal Diagonal Fist All fists

Elbow drills

Move like matrix hollow body

Onions many layers to SLT

Paddle with tide go with flow

Picking Up Rocks use what works

Pick up a branch use what you have

Self Defence Reaction Attack Eye Groin Knee

Challenge Danger Comfort Zones move for the advatage

Maintain Calm over fight n flight

Pivot when they are committed

Shoulder role swing upward hammer fist

3 phase defense Reflex Deflect Intercept

Law of attraction & distraction?

Magnet Hands and Feet

Save energy on heavy bag when striking by not digging in

Move and counter Running is Running

Provoke & attack to get a response & counter attack

Throw a reverse puch when closer not further away

Small v big window more difficult to be hit n easier to score

Shoe shine 3 up 1 hok

Myomoto Musashi

Turn the opponent n strike Raking striking

Precision power timing speed

Pivot v straight


Watch energy motion

Lesson 11

Internal focus vs external focus

Internal defence vs external defence

Internal muscular contraction tension awareness

External musculal relaxation extension awareness

Using the power of Intent and awareness, with focus being expressed internally or externally with contraction or relaxation in movement or stillness.

There is a middle neutral ground starting point, being slightly relaxed and tense but ready; as Yin/Yang both contain the opposite element

Where defence and offence, could be better achieved by using more tension or relaxation, depending on the circumstances.

Half statue stability while half loose and relaxed; Muay Thai

Stay loose shoulders, over and under choo choo train

Sticking with a knife action punching

Scared vs Prepared

Talking punches to each other

Pain influences movement

Blind spot

Fight ready

Physical presence JKVD

Face it

Fight it

Finish it

Insults and assaults

Double Hip principles

Lesson 12

Secure Insecurities

Explosive n Elusive

Defending in to Countering

Muay Thai secret Body Weight Power attack n defence

Muay Thai one step then kick, elbow, knee, punch, push for power

Banana Egg Watermelon Pung hidden meanings

Only counter attacking no defending from practice to fighting

Swayback all high kicks counter with elbow

Spinning elbow from catch leg

Proactive vs Reactive

Be all over reducing risks don't mis a beat

Stay Tuff n Ruff

Predict and Prevent

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These Twelve 2Hr Lessons are not just a random list of ideas, far from it, they are all tried & tested to work, based on...

"The best 5 martial artists locked in a room principle"

When 5 of the best martial artists from different disciplines were locked in a room together but not to fight each other but instead to wright one long list on what works that all can agree on.

The only requirements being each taking a turn to explain a concept of one or more ideas and all must be in agreement for it or them to earn their rightful place to be written on the list.

If for any reason that one of them doesn't agree to a concept, then it would not be added to the list.

As their being a universal truth on reasoning and reality based on experience, knowledge and understanding, a list such as this is possible.

Of course the title is a little misleading as one could easily assume that these 5 martial artists would be fighting each other instead of cooperating together.

This is the beauty of - Steel Sharpening Steel

With this type of list it is possible to modify it in to many different subjects, such as Self Defence, Competition - Sparring & Forms or Performance Training.

Also to focus on one aspect such as Footwork, Punching or Kicking, compiled from different disciplines for instance: Boxing, Muay Thai and Karate...

There is no set pattern or order in any of these 12 lessons they can be mixed and matched or it is possible to go in to great detail or just to introduce the idea.

As they are with an open ended approach where starting again where last left off is possible or adding more ideas to the list.

There is no entry skill level either, from beginners to the advanced practitioner, what does matter is to absorb and understand the usefulness and make them work and feel natural.

Belong to many martial art clubs and organisations, their wasn't much happening in the martial arts concepts, strategies and tactics department, always feeling that this area needed Investigating.

Here's hoping that you find some gems of information:

Where to be a formidable fighter - Diamonds Cut Diamonds

Lesson 13

Muay Thai spear elbow

Union Jack Flag Elbows

Palm up Palm down Thumb up Thumb down

The devil is in the detail hand movements

Ground reaction snap karate

Gravitational force

Palm training Penetration

Moving n Striking Coordination

Cheat step

Sneak step

Lazy footwork vs Strategic Stepping

Maintaining Good Mini Habits

Wing Chun touch n speed simultaneously attack n defence

Boxing footwork and punching combinations

Silat flanking, distancing use of reference points

JKD tactics and strategies

Muay Thai commitment striking

karate use of power and focus

Loading up on the opponent strategy

to put the opponent in a tense shelling up defensive mode

instead of allowing counterattacking

Switching between telegraphing and none telegraphing

to get a reaction making them hopefully confused with information overload pressure tactic

Messing with the left and right side of the opponent's brain

to cause temporary psychological confusion

just before permanent physical damage

There is no style for each body type or person, you will find how ever that some techniques work better for each individual than another.

Being exposed to and exploring what is available and what works then becomes important factors as why learn things that will not work.

This way each individual becomes the best style or version of themself.

Take clothing for instance, not everything is one size fits all as Bruce Lee tried and found what fits himself best in martial arts, now he had fashion sense!

This is why all techniques don't work for most people, trying to put a round peg in a a square hole.

This is why a martial artists can practice their entire lives and still haven't developed any real fighting skills.

Develop your athelticisim, attach the right attitudes and martial art skills.

Enjoy the journey, enhance your abilities and instincts, never stop learning and growing, be the best version of you...

Lesson 14

Plum Blossom 5 Palms

Plum Blossom 5 Footwork

Too late Syndrome

JKD Pendulum Kick

Karate Spider Web Stepping

Spider Always Ready

Three Hands Wing Chun

Silat Sway Shield Footwork

Silat Cup Hand Fore Arm Power

Cookie Jar Past Experience Motivation

Throwaway Jab

Throw a Jab Expect A Jab

Always one eye on the opponent when using elbows

Dutch Style Sparring Give n Take

HVLIS High Volume Low Intensity Sparring

Unpining footwork n punching

Momentum Figure 8 Concept

Tennis ball drop catch speed training

More sweat in training less blood on the battlefield

Circular Elastic Recoil Hook Punches

Pivot Punching vs Lunge Punching

Lead hand hook pivot rear hand cross pivot

Where the head goes the body goes

Silat Every Touch Breaking Opponent's Structure n Posture

Strong Disciplined Jab Straight Out Straight In

Throw Your Jab With Your Hip

TKD Replacement Step Weight Distribution none Committment

Half Step Cuts In The Middle Of A Full Step

Lesson 15

Lead With Punches Not With The Head

Punches in Bunches vs Punching Combinations

On Track Off Track Side Track

Striking While Moving In All Directions

Maintain Your Game While Unravelling Theirs

Flat Elbows vs Angular Elbows

Solid Elbows vs Scrapping Elbows

Locking Principle in any order:

Absorb Deflect Project

The Five Martial Art Principles:

Control Access Stability Efficiency Tactics


Shoving vs Moving

Pushing vs Pressing

Pulling vs Dragging

Plucking vs Tearing

Holding vs Snapping

Carrying vs Supporting

Throwing vs Tripping

Twisting vs Turning

Chopping vs Cutting

Penetrating vs Covering

Bumping vs Banging

Straight vs Corkscrew

Swinging vs Placing

Taking vs Replacing

Playing vs Serious

Preparedness vs Unaware

Spontaneous vs Planning

Passive vs Aggressive

Spiralling Inwards vs Spiralling Outward

Torque vs Leverage

Technical vs Trickery

Emotional vs Calm

Savage vs Sophisticated

Exhaustion and Breathlessness can ruin any type of endeavor, maintain your presence tirelessly and not to run out of steam prematurely, always conserve your own oxygen while kindly helping the opponent to deplete his.

Understanding this list for its simplicity in a minimalist form for easy access.

The takeaway with such a list is that it is easy to keep and refer to at a glance.

Mostly stripped away of innecentual information leaving only the seed or essence of the idea.

These ideas are mostly self explanatory others will need further investigation into their deeper meanings.

Containing no info-entertainment concepts for learning while being amused.

Consider this information on martial arts as academic research on a level of learning that is currently available to everyone, including opponent's.

The real beauty of this compilation of martial art ideas is that it is the size of a set of encyclopedias that has been written and scaled down in to size of a shopping list.

Being exposed to new ideas, just in time or Just in case are reasons enough however...

Practicing these ideas for the right reason as they can surely help develop your fighting skills.

Tried and tested list.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Focus on list.

Take one idea and focus on it till you feel the power it possesses.

To do list.

Commit yourself to not just learning them but to do them in practice.

Tip of the iceberg list.

These ideas go far deeper than they appear on the surface.

Relentless list.

Look at these ideas as oftern as possible and visualise yourself doing them.

Action list.

Don't just read them practice them separately or in groups.

Anything that needs elaborating on please ask...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lesson 16


Taking the Path of least resistance


When you lose don't lose the lesson


Stutter, Hold, Stop n Go vs Momentum, Flow, Smooth?


Follow up same side kick with punch:


Foot jab kick with same side follow up lunge punch


Round house kick same side follow up hook punch


Side kick same side follow up back fist


(Also in reverse order)


Follow up same side punch with kick:


Lunge punch with same follow up foot jab kick


Hook punch with same side follow up round house kick


Back fist with same side follow up side kick


Focus Technique Breakdown:


Beginning - Transition - End Position


Increasing Striking Power:


Pushing off adding momentum use of bodyweight


Analogy between sparring newbies and weight lifting by starting off with low weights and increasing gradually over time


Creating space or distance leaping across centre line, using knife hand strikes or with sword


Muay Thai catch leg variations:


Pull it in let go horizontal elbow to head


Elbow & or Knee the leg


Let go & punch


Trip take down


Forarm press & twist take down


Attack supporting leg




Boxing shoulder roll nuisance


Roll with the punches Rock back in unexpectedly


Keeping Correct Silat Posture attack trusting footwork


Uppercut vs Hook make the difference clearly between all punches


Develope Exacting Standards Differentiate Techniques


Peppering in Boxing and Using Pepper Spray both effect the vision and the will to continue


You cannot stop what you cannot see


Use Willpower Only When Needed as a last resort


Prepare Yourself Develope Skills Realistically


Find comfort in discomfort find peace in chaos


KISS Principle - Attack what's open & Defend what's coming


Beware of the Headbutt, overhand right/left, flying knee and the spinning elbow that has unexpectedly ended many a fight directly also as a setup for a finishing knockout


Sparring vs Fighting vs Giving or Tacking a Beating?


When All Else Fails, follow the instructions and advice you were given or in other words use the skills you were taught by your instructor




To learn these lessons it will help towards your development if to eliminate the need for instant gratification and Infotainment:


Society seem to be heading in a direction where learning needs to be fun or enjoyable or entertaining.


However this midset can have its consequences of distracting from real life issues and learning responsibilities, as not everything is intended to be fun.


As work can be considered as doing something constructive that would rather be doing something else for amusement.


Things of value doesn't really need to sparkle or to be sugar coated but in these times where we are already saturated with information, whereby adding some kind of entertainment while learning seems like the only way to get through.


Being given too much access to infotainment where growing up with instant gratification is normal, where the struggles of life that are actually provided by nature are nesccery and needed to grow stronger.


Learning to succeed their doesn't needs to be a balanced element of entertainment or instant gratification attached in every step of the way.


Divide infotainment between the work what needs to be done to achieve and the little pleasure of life that are truly earned.


Get serious and develope a tast for learning without amusements.


Focus and earn your freedom from infotainment and get a tast for real victory!


Are you not entertained?


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