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theres this guy in my group of friends who has done some bjj for like 3 months hes, very slow, and fat about 200 pounds and im 140, i have been studying bjj for 4 months and other systems of combat,


he hasn't been to the dojo in 5 months and iknow i can beat him, but he always challenges me in front of people telling me im afraid of him and that im worse than him. he uses fould tactics during sparring like pinching, scratching,


what should i do, to avoid fighting with this person, i know my skill level is superiour to his and i have nothing to prove.


and he does this at social events, like im not here to train im here to have fun with friends , any suggestions?

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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im sorry i cant help you very much on helping you out to avoid him. but the way things go where i live you have to stand up for yourself or else your gonna be picked on forever. this stuff goes on so much at my school we have a class in our scheduale so we dont go crazy and shoot the school up. what i say you do if it comes down to it you be cheap i would use headbutts,elbows,knees any limb you can hit him with. i was in a very similar situation and the guy was taller and had longer arms. lets just say after 3 times of him calling me out and me standing up to him he pusses out because he just was doing all of it to act like he is a badass. i just go crazy on him. like turn into the incredible hulk style. im sure everyone on the site will disagree with me but thats just how stuff goes and if you dont like that then tough coookies.

fight til you die

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alright if you have that mentality then i may be able to give u some good advice. i dont know but when i dealt with it i have anger problems and if something pisses me off really bad i freak out and i get bigger and i have tons and tons of strength and i dont even know what im doing. so when u do go dont just give up just keep going take all the anger and stress he has ever given u and put that into a good elbow to the face. well this friday i did some sparing with a guy bigger than me , he can whoop me in boxing so i did a little and then i took him to the ground. i ended up beating him. but the only problem is with a bigger person its really hard to get out of positions so if you are on the ground be constandly checking where u can knee elbow punch him.

fight til you die

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There is an old Aikido saying - "Talk Peace from a strong position".


There is nothing to gain from fighting.


However, if you can get him into the dojo and then train with him and beat him thats the best way to go about it.


But try not to fight in the first place.


Yours in Aiki.

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yes very wise saying, and i agree i would rather have peace then violence. but there are those @$$holes running around F***ing up the world. making everyone fight and all that mumbo jumbo. those hardheads dont learn from talking. the only way they learn is by having their face bashed in. i know its not great but its the truth. thats how the streets are and if you dont like it tough cuz thats how it is.

fight til you die

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he has tried to throw me when i would be walking around places like parks and houses and i would give him a few punches or kicks just to warn him to back off, and that works but only for a little while, than like an hour later he'll get back up after being aggravated by someone and say i have 3 months bjj traing anyone challenging me? and ill just be like sit the fu*k down.


i don't know why he needs to prove himself in that manner, i told him if, he wanted to prove himself he should enter a tounament and fight against people his size and he always tells me ,i have plans or i don't have money, i just keep throwing my silver medal in his face (just won it a few weeks ago) and it makes him so mad haha,

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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if i get in a fight with him im going for the choke , he is one of my friends after all, well not really, but anyways, im gonna put him to sleep in my triangle

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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PhilM1, thanks for your jems of knowledge there. yes I am fully aware of how nasty the "streets" are. If you are one of these hot headed martial artists, then I suggest learning some RUNDO and TRACK and FIELD JUTSU. Because thats all thats going to save you.


jiu-jitsu fighter, if you are going to fight. Try not to get into the frame of mind that like "I will use such and such a choke". Just go with what turns up, if you try and force pattern on a situation you will be defeated.


Yours in Aiki.

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The guy sounds like a real dink. If you KNOW you can beat him 100%, then just do it to shut him up. This would be a last resort though. Heck, if he ain't your friend, go for a break :brow: But then I would be worried of him/parents (I dont know your age) taking legal action. People like that should just be ignored. But in your case if he is actual attacking trying to throw you and what not, I would attack back. It's a bad place out there somtimes. Also, try not to hang out with them anymore. If you know he's going to be where your headed, if you can, try and avoid going. Just cut off communication with him.



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