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I have been lurking around this forum for almost 2 years now. So it gets about time for me to register, right?

Just wanna boast that I am finally going to train karate again! I am so excited about it! And the best thing? My daughter (6 years) is going to join as well!

Some background for those interested:

I originally started Shotokan (JKA) in Holland, got my 2nd Degree there.

Moved to Germany then where I got my 3rd Degree. But the dojo and German karate weren't very interesting, so I kinda of lost my interest in karate. (add full time job and kids into the mix)

Now I'm living in Japan and there is a karate dojo near my house! The sensei there is not 100% shotokan, but general Bogu Karate practitioner. But the trainers are both 100% JKA shotokan (4th Degree for Kumite and 6th Degree for Kata). So there will be no need to adapt me for!

Only thing changing is bogu (so full contact point system with protective gear). But this might even be better, since you will learn a better feedback in your body when actually hitting/getting hit. Looking forward to using kizami mae geri as a counter without fear of kicking somebody's teeth out.

Anybody got some experience switching from semi-contact to full contact gear karate? I would love to hear your opinions.

Best regards,


3rd Degree Shotokan Karate

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Tepul, welcome to the forum and good luck in your new Karate journey. Training in Japan has got to be an awesome experience.

Karate no michi!

Godan in Ryukyu Kempo

Head of the Shubu Kan Dojo in Watertown, NY

(United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance)


Hi Tepul. I recently switched from shotokan WKF to a small style that uses variation of bogu kumite. We use boxing helmet and gloves, chest protector and leg guards. Also throws and limited groundwork is ok.

Before the switch I went to compete in their tournaments.

For me the biggest problem was distance and that I had problem with combinations- both using and defending against them.

And in your bogu kumite do you stop after successful technique or fight non stop?

A style is just a name.


Welcome to KF, and welcome back into the MA world! :karate: It sounds like you've got something good going on there.

I went from a light contact, point fighting system to a more Olympic style, full(er) contact level of sparring. Getting used to the vest was the toughest part for me. I did change up a few things about the way I sparred, but by and large, the change wasn't too difficult to deal with.


Dear all,

Thank you for replying. Yesterday I did some sparring in the new dojo.

The helmet is terrible to breath in! But it is interesting to be a little less scared to hit your opponent, which was my biggest concern.

And yes, we use point system with Bogu, but for example a jodan mawashi would give 2 points instead of 1. First one to get a 5 point lead wins.

And a little off topic: The training for kids is awesome!

My kid (6 years) trained with children up to 10 years and they were so disciplined! Highest belt was blue belt (girl) and she lead the group extremely professional! Loud and clear orders, and that from a cute 10 year old Japanese girl! My daughter was also very enthusiastic, since all students were very open. My daughter was officially introduced by the sensei and all students came to her to welcome her individually!

IN regards to my training, my techniques could keep up, but my leg muscles couldnt... I forgot that zenkutsu daichi hurts this much xD haha

ANyway, thanks for reading! Oss!

3rd Degree Shotokan Karate


Welcome to the forum, looking forward to following your MA journey as it continues


The path so far: Shodan-ho Karate (Shito-ryu), 3 kyu Aikido (Aikikai), 5 kyu Judo, 9 kyu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Not a day without a kata

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