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I'm sure you can all relate to this! I recently became really discouraged in my class due to the fact that I could not for the life of me do a spinning hook kick...my equilibrium was totally shot and I fell on my butt countless times! I couldn't understand it! It turned out I was actually sick (never been so glad to be sick haha). I went on my vacation and had lots of rest and upon coming back, I NAILED it every time! I had such a good class last night - did lots of spinning hook kicks and was very happy with my form. When I talked to my Sensei about it, she said "Everybody is entitled to a few bad days!!", so I guess my point is that you should have patience with yourself while training and to relax and let it all come on it's own - and yeah, we're all allowed to have our 'off days'.



If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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Hmm.. it shouldn't matter how sick you feel, you should be able to do the technique. Maybe not as fast as normal, but you should be able to do it. Break it down and try to figure out why and when you would lose balance when doing your spinning kick. Many movements are very easy if you use momentum and feel good, but that's not the correct way. You should be able to slow it down and still do the technique with good balance. Heck, i think the best time to learn technique is when you are tired and worn out, then you can't rely on muscle and momentum to make things work.


Just a thought.



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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Yeah - you're right, but I wasn't slowing it down...I tried to do the same as I normally would - fast! I have no problem with the technique itself, it's just that I couldn't do it over and over again with the same speed as I usually have because I was feeling totally off balance that day...it was really frustrating!





If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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"More important than learn punch or block, is to learn balance. Balance is key. When balance good, karate good. Every thing good. When blance bad, better fix quick or pack up and go home. Understand?", says Mr. Miyagi.


(From the book "Karate Kid" :lol:)

"Don't think!! Feel..."

-Bruce Lee


This site is dumb but I made it so it is good.

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Absolutely right Bob - I do alot of core conditioning to help with my balance, as it's one of the most difficult things to master...


Lori :grin:



If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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hahaha karatekid rules


ive been gettin pretty discouraged lately by my school as a whole, i used to love it but then realised that its not as sweet as it seems to be, they split the classes up and it appears now that the ppl they think are good are mixd in with the higher belts, not that i have a problem with this just that im with the other group with the beginners and red belts and im [word edited out]in just as good if not BETTER than the peolpe in the "advanced" group, im not worried about that im worried about my training suffering because class time will be taken up with things i already know, its only an hour but i guess i should put in more hours away from the dojo


ahh well class politics :smile: i wont get involved, as long as i feel im improving then thats ok...ive wanted to do kickboxing for as long as i can remember and its just making me down a bit :razz: might take up boxing instead (nah doubt it lol)

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Lori...If you say you know the technique and just couldn't nail it because you were feeling ill...then you should be excused! :angel:


It's when I hear students say well, I'm real tired tonight or my leg is too sore or..... :sleep:....making excuses because you can't perform shows that you haven't practiced and are just going through the motions. Yes, we all have our bad days...(some more than others)...but when the bad exceeds the good then its time to seriously consider whether or not you should continue.


Miss the class if you can't give 100%.!


In your case Lori...you found out later that you were ill...hence it must have thrown your equilibrium off. I don't care how well you know the technique...if you're equilibrium is off then your technique suffers. You can't do a spin kick s l o w l y just not the same. The momentum of a quick spin drives you around quicker and snaps the kick out with more power. If the power isn't there the kick suffers.





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well i wouldn't wory about it AT ALL.


your balance is probably fine, but if you had a virus or a head cold, it can affect you balance.


I had this virus once and it was just a stomach bug, but everytime i tried to stand up i felt like i was spining round and i just fell over.:dead:


I usually have an off day about once a month, but this just means i tend to hit people alot harder! :kaioken: :kaioken: :grin:


.....don't we all have days like that.


me x :wave:



and your point is....?

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