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KarateForums.com Turns 18 and a Half Years Old!

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Hello KarateForums.com members!

Today marks another half-birthday for this community (18.5 years!), and I take pride in being given the opportunity to address our members on this occasion.

I found KF waaay back on March 31, 2006. At that time, I would spend several nights a week at my TKD school, trying to get better and doing what I had a passion for. Needless to say, time has marched on and changes have taken place in life, as happens to all of us. As my family grew and my career shifted, the amount of time I have been able to dedicate to my martial arts training has diminished.

As these changes have taken place in my life, different things have taken priority. Being a husband and father is first and foremost among them, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Martial arts, which is and always will be important to me, has taken on a different role in my life. It’s what I love to do, but now I do it when I can, as opposed to all the time.

However, throughout all the changes in my life that have affected my time and effort in the martial arts world, the community at KarateForums.com has always been a rock of consistency as my martial arts outlet. Everyone that is here and has been here has always been supportive and helpful, no matter where I am in either my martial arts journey or in life in general. I see the community here as an extended family, one I can rely upon through the ups and downs, through thick and thin. I can’t think of a group of individuals, most of whom I’ve never met in person, that have been as supportive and kind as the members of this great community have been during my time here.

When I can’t train (which has been often as of late), I can come to KF and talk shop. If I can’t train physically, then I can come to KF and do what I view as a mental training, with the opportunity to talk with some of the smartest and most experienced, and not to mention open-minded, individuals across the globe, in one of the most constructive environments I’ve had the privilege to be a member of. Suffice it to say, it is all of you, the great members that make up the KarateForums.com community, that bring all of these positive aspects to bear. It has been a great privilege to be a part of this community, and I look forward to see what the next 18.5 years bring.

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Thank you so much for sharing this, Brian. :) It means a lot to read it, and I'm so glad that this community is able to fill that gap for you and others and help you stay connected to the martial arts in those moments where you feel like you might be drifting away, even temporarily. Thank you for helping to create a space where that is possible!


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